Hello all,
the fine folks at Thuglit have published my story 'Ditch'. This is quite possibly my favorite of my own work despite (or because of?) the potentially hokey construct. I'm very glad that it is out there finally. I'm eager to end my 6 week long run of working two jobs so I can get back to doing a little writing. Ideas are getting backed up. Never good.
The announcements of the Twist of Noir contest should be out by April 15th. If anything comes of that you'll know. No news is not good news in this case. Either way, I like the story I submitted.
Anyway, go read Ditch and I hope you like it.

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Comment by Dana King on April 3, 2009 at 6:05am
Just got back from Thug Lit. "Ditch" is good stuff, and I like the reverse sequencing of the story. Solid noir with a twist.
Comment by J. F. Juzwik on April 3, 2009 at 2:48am
Eric, I really enjoyed Ditch. It's a great read. You created some really solid characters, and while reading it, you can develop some very strong positive/negative feelings about all of them. Thanks for letting us know about it. Joyce

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