Jerry Peterson's Comments

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At 2:08am on June 9, 2010, Matt Hilton said…
It makes good sense to me, Jerry. Thanks for the friend invite.
At 12:23am on June 8, 2010, R. Michael Phillips said…
Yes, it's a great little town and museum. I was going out there periodically for press run approvals. I'm looking forward to reading the book.
At 5:24am on June 7, 2010, James Hayman said…
Glad to be your friend. Let me know what you're working on now.

At 1:31am on June 7, 2010, R. Michael Phillips said…
Hi Jerry,
Thanks for the friend invite! I've spent a bit of time in Wisconsin (Baraboo, to be exact). Early's Fall looks very entertaining. I read the first chapter, so I'll have to add this to my summer reading.
At 1:17am on June 7, 2010, Kris Neri said…
Thanks for the friend-invite, Jerry. I do know Holly! She's a former student of mine.
At 12:42am on June 7, 2010, Christine Hammar said…
Yep. Struggling w the Cover Copy text and THE sentence. :0
Cover copy text now at 227 words, sentence 25 words. ACK!
At 9:32pm on June 6, 2010, Christine Hammar said…

Thank you for the friend request. I'm quite new to this and try to visit more often. The 9 to 5 thing does limit my time _a lot_. All free time I have, I try to write.
At 6:51pm on June 6, 2010, Audrey G Jones said…
Jerry, thank you for the friend invite. I really like this website, there are a lot of interesting people here. I have wished one day that I would become a writer, but for now, just a reader!
At 2:15pm on June 6, 2010, Jeff Litowitz said…
Jerry my pleasure to have you as a friend. as I learn more about crime space I will be putting some short stories from our anthology on here as well as excerpts from Death By The Numbers.
At 12:53pm on June 6, 2010, Glenna Fairbanks said…
True - but I'm just going to frame the check and hang it on my office wall with the accumulation of professional plaques and certificates from my career. Figure this is the first step in my "hopeful" second career. Would really appreciate a response from you to the major question I asked re: POV (s).
At 12:51pm on June 6, 2010, Marsh EverEvolvingSoul said…
Thank-you very much for the offered friendship! A crime writer... Interesting choice. Me? I will be more of a futuristic fantasy crime novelist! Is there such a category? Oh well, perhaps there will be, if not! Hehehe!
At 11:13am on June 6, 2010, Roy LaPlante said…
Jerry, it's an honor to be your friend. Thanks for the invite.
At 2:52pm on June 5, 2010, Gaile Hughes said…
Hi Jerry, Thank you for your interest.
Week one was to write a short piece in (5 mins) without using smells, color, sound or sensation/touch. Then repeat story adding one of the elements (5 Mins) each rewrite. Second week homework, take your main character and put them in a foreign environment ie not part of your storyline. (1500 words) Third week - main character in an action dialogue with a fictional super hero. Story must start with a fist arriving..Fourth - main character looking for their MacGuffin (I failed that one), however my character’s depth grew exponentially. This week again 1500 words, it is required to have ‘Oh my God’, in it. My story telling is fairly good, my dialogue needs work. So yes, I think I am learning heaps, plus it’s a small class with a bunch of wonderful witty women.
At 1:16pm on June 5, 2010, Marty Rene Quintana said…
Hello there Jerry;
How are you doing this fine day? Sorry I took so long to respond to your friends request. I am getting ready to go to NH. My husband, Dan and I will be gone for two and a half weeks! I am so excited! I am practically busting a gut! (ew! gross!).
Looking forward to chat with you soon. Please look me up on FB. I am on that site most of the time.
Thanks for asking to be friends! God bless you friend!
In Christ always,
Marty Rene Quintana
At 11:57am on June 5, 2010, Glenna Fairbanks said…
It's a small check (or credit I can use on Amazon). I asked for the check - which I plan to frame (not cash) and hang on the wall here in the office. A FIRST, and something to look at when I get those dang rejection emails. lol
At 9:33am on June 5, 2010, Julie Dolcemaschio said…
Wow, Jerry! That sounds like a really challenging character to write! And I thought I put parameters on myself by writing in the first person as a man! Lol!
At 3:46pm on June 4, 2010, Julie Dolcemaschio said…
Hi Jerry. thanks for the request. I'm new at this whole thing. My first crime novel TESTAROSSA was just published. It's on Amazon and Kindle. Just trying to get the word out as best I can. Love to hear what you're doing.

At 1:10pm on June 4, 2010, Bill Sheehy said…
Jerry is a popular fellow ... and I'm glad to add him to my list of friends. Or was I added to his list ... getting mixed up like that is the result of starting a new novel while the last one is being critiqued by a bunch of people I count on to make my second (we hope) published crime/suspense/thriller even better than I, at one time, thought it was. Oh, was I wrong.
Anyhow, good morning, Jerry........
At 12:48pm on June 4, 2010, Beth Groundwater said…
Hi Jerry,
Thanks for befriending this fellow crime writer here on Crimespace, too!
At 12:21pm on June 4, 2010, S. Connell Vondrak said…
He makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.

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