Robert Christopher's Comments

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At 1:32am on April 15, 2012, Jenny Milchman said…

Thanks for the friending, Robert! I need to hang out here more, learn about your (and others') work.

My best,


At 9:46am on September 28, 2011, Gaile Hughes said…
Hi Robert, wow! Your works sounds quite Eclectic look forward to our interactions - cheers Gaile
At 11:29pm on August 2, 2011, J.R. Lindermuth said…
Thanks for connecting, Robert.
At 3:18pm on July 30, 2011, Meg said…

Thanks for friending, Robert. Cheers!


At 10:32am on May 13, 2011, Clare Havens said…

Hi! Nice to meet someone else who likes noir!


At 8:43pm on March 19, 2011, Tim Scanlon said…
Thanks Rob. It is a 7 string V, limited run Gibson job. Needs better pickups in it. My new PRS should be here mid week! Plus I'm building my own guitar which is taking me awhile with all my other hobbies.
At 12:46am on March 10, 2011, Lynda Fitzgerald said…
Are you camera shy?  Why don't you ut one of your book covers up?
At 2:50pm on January 3, 2011, Cormac Brown said…

Happy New Year, Robert!


Thank you for the invite, and may 2011 be your most successful yet.

At 10:17am on December 31, 2010, Susan said…

Sir!  That is not a mere jacket, that is a Trenchcoat (she said, huffily). Yeah, New Orleans is good for noir. Then again, so is Boston. Don't forget the Friends of Eddie Coyle. Mitchum, in a trenchcoat.


Back in Boston now, with one foot in N'awins.

At 10:41am on December 30, 2010, Susan said…

Hello Robert, happy to be your crimespace friend. Looks like we enjoy many of the same authors and movies.



At 5:10am on November 27, 2010, sam millar said…
Thanks for the invite, Robert.
At 2:21pm on November 14, 2010, Hannah Jayne said…
Hi Robert-
Thanks for friending me. Working with Kensington is awesome. My editor is amazing!
At 6:35am on November 12, 2010, Sanna said…
Can´t decline a friend request from someone who has "Requiem for a dream" on their Youtube-channel! Any tips on how to play that nice little tune on piano? It´s been my Achilles for almost a year now :)
At 3:55am on November 6, 2010, Amy Dawson Robertson said…
Hey Robert -- thanks for adding me!
At 11:20am on November 5, 2010, Beth Groundwater said…
Hi Robert,
Thanks for befriending this mystery author on Crimespace!
At 8:02am on November 5, 2010, Karyne said…
Thanks for the friend invite. I liked the trailer for your upcoming kindle book, but there wasnt' a title? What is the book about?
At 4:10am on November 3, 2010, Barbara C. Johnson said…
Thanks for the add! When I figure out how to add people as friends, I'll add you!
At 10:53am on October 22, 2010, henya drescher said…
Robert, many thanks for requesting my friendship...
At 12:55pm on October 17, 2010, Viansa Blake said…
I went as a fan. I don't know the value it would have on my writing other than to create new characters in my head. Comic Con attracts lots of crazy, creative people and it just has great energy.
At 11:33am on October 14, 2010, Viansa Blake said…
Comic Con was fun. PACKED! There was an insane amount of people there. I got pushed, shoved, bumped, invaded... :) Some people were dressed up but not as many as I thought would be. Lots of anime and Steampunk (which I just learned about.)

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