At 12:23pm on December 14, 2009, Sunny Frazier said…
Actually, I'm suppose to autograph and send you a copy. Still waiting for them to arrive at my house. I was delighted when my publisher told me of your request. Now you've had a taste of my humor in the Christmas letter, you know what to expect!
Hi Johnny, yes, I suppose you're right this is one of those references that would be a good fit for my personal blog :-) Thanks for having a look at it. I discovered this forum purely by accident yesterday as I was trying to satisfy my curiosity about Lilian Jackson Braun. This looks like a place I'll want to spend more time with once I finish building the framework for my online efforts. I recently left print media advertising sales and am trying to get all the ideas that have been in my head out here on the Internet, a lot of work. When I'm a little more caught up I'll be coming back here to explore. Thanks for reaching out.
Hi Johnny! Will I be seeing you at the next Vegas conference of PSWA? My sister lives in La Mesa, I'm always traveling down that way to visit her. Check out the mystery cruise PSWA members Denny Griffin, Jack Miller and I are putting together. I posted some photos on my page.
Thanks Johnny for the information. Yes, it's a pity Columbo isn't online. He can usually be found on the TV over here on a weekend. Thanks for inviting me to your page to see your book trailer. Pat
Hi Johnny. I read the chapter on your website - you obviously know the subject well. And I smiled at the way you dropped your book into the video and had the cop say he heard it was a good read - classy.
Thanks Johnny for your interest in my bio. I see you're a retired police officer so I know you'll understand perfectly the full reality of the cold blooded violence and intensity of my novel, Savage Days Haunted Nights, recreating mafia life out on the streets of Chicago and New York. It's a vivid and unrelenting crime story, but much more than that because it probes deep into the very meaning of morality itself. Again, thanks.
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So nice to meet you....thanks for welcoming me to CrimeSpace. I look forward to visiting often. Best wishes!
I am excited to be a member of CrimeSpace. Very nice page too :)
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