Copper Smith's Comments

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At 11:07am on September 15, 2010, Justine said…
Don't know who Goofus and Gallant are.
At 2:12am on September 15, 2010, Amanda Groetzinger said…
I grew up with Goofus and Galant and I always wondered what happened to Goofus to make him so mean. LOL I think it is a great peice. :)
At 11:32pm on September 14, 2010, Caroline Trippe said…
Copper, I'm not sure what comment I'm supposed to be approving? Not sure what this means...
At 9:43pm on September 14, 2010, Caroline Trippe said…
Goofus and Galant? I have to confess I don't know them....
At 8:32am on September 13, 2010, Sunny Frazier said…
You might want to get a copy of Holli Castillo's New Orleans mystery, GUMBO JUSTICE.
At 6:51pm on September 8, 2010, Siobhan C Cunningham said…
Thanks for the friend link. :-)
At 12:40pm on September 8, 2010, Michael Phelps said…
Hi Copper Smith,

Thanks for being my friend on CrimeSpace!
Michael Phelps
At 11:51am on September 8, 2010, lee caleca said…
At 11:17am on September 8, 2010, Cathryn Grant said…
ok, I admit I turned away slightly at the wood chipper scene in Fargo! But I loved it ... excellent dark humor.
At 8:38pm on July 20, 2010, Lexi Revellian said…
I will look out for Lush Life. Mark you, writing and self-publishing don't leave much time for reading. I used to get through three books a week.
At 9:02am on July 20, 2010, Lexi Revellian said…
Hmm...not sure about littering...

Do you know, I haven't read any of your favourite authors. Dear me.
At 11:52pm on July 19, 2010, Lexi Revellian said…
Hi Copper, thanks for the friend invite :o)

At 11:39am on July 14, 2010, Ellen Norton said…
Hello! Thanks for the friend invite. I'm finding that I am not on here much, but I appreciate the invite.
At 12:43pm on July 13, 2010, Gaile Hughes said…
Hey Copper, couldn't paste a blog on your site as I am away on hols and don't have access to my u/n and p/w. Read 'Inseparable' my comment is
'Multiple Noir Awesomes' - you will have to make a book out of that one. Looking forward to the next - cheers Gaile
At 9:51am on July 8, 2010, John A. Karr said…
Thanks for the friend invite, Copper!
At 3:26am on July 2, 2010, Mosi Tyrone Wells said…
Hey cooper what part of New Orleans are you from?
I used to live in New Orleans East off of Lake forest and Crowder and On Lonley Oak across the street from Livingston Middle school
At 3:13am on July 2, 2010, Nicola Furlong said…
Hey Copper,

Happy Canada Day and thanks for the friend request. Look forward to getting to know you better. Cheers.

At 5:14pm on June 30, 2010, nigelpbird said…
copper smith, you have one great name.
At 3:00am on June 30, 2010, Beth Groundwater said…
Hi Copper,
Thanks for befriending this mystery author on Crimespace!
At 1:59pm on June 29, 2010, Anne Claybrook said…
Love the music! A~

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