Cher's Comments

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At 6:01am on November 14, 2012, James Gary Vineyard said…

Cher, I dug out the story, El Dorado (originally called Tap the Brakes, Elvis!), and saw that it was about 4,000 words or 19 pages. Seems like you wanted something longer. Not sure it's in keeping with your genre, but if you'd like to look it over, I'll send it.


At 12:05pm on November 12, 2012, Liam Saville said…

Cher,  It's an Aussie book, by an Aussie author, so a matching accent would be fantastic.  Submission is on it's way...

At 11:54am on November 7, 2012, Donna Andrews said…

Thanks for the offer; will keep it in mind.

At 5:50am on October 18, 2012, Lucie Smoker said…

Cher, Crime City Central looks like an awesome project. What length of short stories do you prefer? I'm thinking about either writing a short story prequel to my book or if I don't have time, sending my first chapter (3250 words).  I just finished all of my edits and have a wee bit of time before my book launch in November.  Maybe I can put something together that you would like. 

At 7:32am on August 31, 2012, Steve Christie said…

Im afraid not.I do have three chapters up on my blog.

At 3:28pm on August 30, 2012, Lucie Smoker said…

Cher, thanks so much for the kind invite.  I do have some shorts I;ve been working on, but am under deadline with my publisher right now.  May I send one in a month or two?  Either way, I appreciate your kind offer,  Lucie

At 12:08pm on August 30, 2012, James Gary Vineyard said…
Yikes! Cher,
You've never read about the adventures of Harry Poter who runs a motel in Devil's Anus, Mississippi?
Okay, you got me. No excuse. And thanks so much for pointing out the typo.
I do have a short story called "Tap the Brakes, Elvis" and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm home.
Thanks for slapping me around,
At 12:02am on August 15, 2012, Mel Clayton said…

Hi Cher,

Thanks for the welcome and for the information on your podcast. Best wishes!


At 3:14am on August 10, 2012, Jennifer Chase said…

Thank you for the information Cher.  I will take a look and see if I can contribute.  Thanks again!

At 9:09pm on August 9, 2012, Linda Romero said…

That sounds very interesting Cher.  I'm definitely going to have to look over your site.

I've been a little preoccupied right now (I'm trying to buy a new home), but I'm hoping that can't last much longer and I can spend some time on this site.

Thanks for the welcome,


At 9:44am on August 9, 2012, BV Lawson said…

Thanks for the news, Cher! I'll definitely keep you in mind, and will also post a note about you on my blog soon. Best wishes with your new endeavor!  Cheers, BV

At 4:30am on August 6, 2012, D R Forey said…

Thanks for the heads up and the offer. I have a few things that I working on, one of which is a novel so that would be no good. If I come up with anything that I think worty enough to share with the outside world then I will send it your way.
Thanks again.

At 1:02pm on August 2, 2012, S. Eric Wachtel said…

Appreciate the offer, but unfortunately I been been working on my new novel so I'll  have to pass.

At 7:33am on July 31, 2012, Ellen E Kennedy said…

Thank you for the short story invitation, Cher. My usual stories are novel-length, but I've been working on an idea for a short story featuring my series characters.

In the meantime, I can tell you that I have experience on television and radio, doing commercials and voiceovers. If you need a voice, I'm available.

At 11:54pm on July 30, 2012, Paul Haley said…

Thank you for the invitation, Cher. What I'm working on now is too long but if crime strikes--oops, I mean inspiration--I'll let you know. You're right about forensic psych in Alabama but I did a lot more in California and if you're looking for hoots they contribute their share. ;-)

At 5:11pm on July 26, 2012, Pauline Rowson said…

Thank you, Cher. Just get in touch when you're ready.  Best wishes, Pauline.

At 10:49am on July 26, 2012, Brad Fleming said…

One short crime story due out soon.

At 10:30am on July 26, 2012, Brad Fleming said…

Good to meet you Cher.

At 6:02am on July 26, 2012, Glenn Langohr said…

Hi Cher, I send an excerpt for Underdog that was featured in Front Row Lit. I can make it a longer excerpt if you want.

At 6:02am on July 26, 2012, Rosalind Smith-Nazilli said…

Hello Cher..

Yes it would be a pleasure..

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