Thanks for the friendship.
Check out We Can't Dance Together at A Twist of Noir!
(based on that Steely Dan song that's been stuck in your head since 1980)
Congrats. So will we see it in hardback, too. I don't own a kindle - prefer to feel the pages as I turn them. But I will look for it as our favorite Borders if/when if hits the stores.
Hi, Vincent. I have no idea why or how you discovered me in all these thousands of writers, but thank you for the invitation. Good luck with Moonlight Falls.
One of the bestest things about CrimeSpace is that it allows me to be listed as a friend to some really good crime writers. Great for my ego, you know. Thanks for your hand in friendship .......
Well, Vincent, we are now friends. It is nice to meet you. I'm new to Crime Space and would like to learn more about our objectives. Please write to tell me your experiences.
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Check out We Can't Dance Together at A Twist of Noir!
(based on that Steely Dan song that's been stuck in your head since 1980)
Thanks for the invite and I hope for big success for "Moonlight."
Welcome. I'm a mystery writer who loves to dialogue with other writers. It's a cool site. Looking forward to chats. Diane
Thanks for the invite.
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