Tanis Mallow's Comments

Comment Wall (24 comments)

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At 6:49am on August 16, 2012, Greg Mollin said…

Thanks for the welcome.

At 6:49pm on July 9, 2012, Tom Vater said…

Thanks, Tanis. Looking forward to contributing to Crime Sapce.

At 9:47pm on June 24, 2012, Filipa Calado said…

Thank you so much for the welcome! I have a newcomer's question. How do I read other writers' work?

At 5:45pm on June 16, 2012, Brian Knight said…

Thanks for the welcome, Tanis!


At 2:27am on June 15, 2012, Jackson Burnett said…

Thank you, Tanis.  I look forward to reading some of your writing.

At 7:51am on June 14, 2012, Sandra Levy Ceren said…

thank you

At 3:20pm on June 12, 2012, ML Hamilton said…

Thank you, Tanis.

At 8:35am on June 11, 2012, Ku Okamoto said…


At 8:10am on June 9, 2012, Mary Kouwenhoven said…

Thanks for the compliment!

At 2:32am on June 7, 2012, Glenn Langohr said…

Thanks for the welcome! Is there anything you would recommend for me to do on this site as an author?

At 5:32am on June 6, 2012, Stewart Spaull said…

Thank you! It's great to be here. 

At 12:41pm on June 4, 2012, Rob Brunet said…

Thx Tanis! I know it's the real you 'cause there's that terrifc sailing pic again. (Even better, now I have the link to your story on Spinetingler.)

At 9:57am on May 30, 2012, Jonathan Francesco said…

Now thanks for the friend add! :)

At 4:44am on May 30, 2012, Steven Gomez said…
Thanks for adding me as a friend! ;)
At 11:48pm on May 29, 2012, Jonathan Francesco said…

Thanks for the welcome! :)

At 10:57am on May 24, 2012, Terrie Meerschaert said…

Thanks for the welcome, Tanis!

At 3:43am on May 24, 2012, Kristina Stanley said…

Thanks for the welcome message.

At 3:49pm on May 17, 2012, Steven Gomez said…
Hi Tanis,

Thanks for the welcome! I discovered that movie well after it came out, but I just can't see it enough!
At 12:57am on April 1, 2012, Stuart Edmond said…

Thanks for the welcome Tanis.  In your pic, it looks like you're having a blast.  Can't wait to get my own yatch and drift along with the wind.  Just gotta sell a few more books!

At 3:41pm on March 27, 2012, geoffrey thorne said…

I am. ANd I thank you.

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