Phillipa Martin (PD Martin)'s Comments

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At 10:42am on February 19, 2010, Karen Tyrrell said…
Hi Phillipa,
Nice to meet you. Thanks so much for adding me. Wish you well with your Melbourne tour. I'm almost finished my Crime Faction, Sayonara. Its already been requested by a Publisher.
Cheers, Karen ... http://www,
At 10:20am on August 27, 2009, Tatyanna Alvarado said…
Hello,i love youre really looking forward to reading your new one! The murderers' club is the best book i have ever read! Please accept my request!!
At 5:08am on December 18, 2008, Ronnie Mercer said…
Hi Phillipa.... thanks for the message earlier. I will certainly be purchasing your next book in July...can't wait.
Also, I want to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas. All the best in 2009 as well.

At 12:17am on December 11, 2008, Ronnie Mercer said…
Just finished The Murderer's Club....what an awesome book...can't wait for Fan Mail. Congrats PD on writing yet another excellent read.
At 3:04pm on September 29, 2008, Niki Elizabeth said…
i hope to get the next two soon. you have an amazing talent
At 11:29pm on September 28, 2008, Niki Elizabeth said…
Your book body count was so good i couldnt put it down, i finished it in 2 days. i am hoping to find out how thing went for sophie and josh. so i hope it is in the next one.
At 4:10pm on August 17, 2008, Luis said…
Hi, thanks for accepting my friend request. I really enjoy reading Evanovich, I still haven't read the latest installment though.

I agree that the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, and often more so!
At 12:31pm on July 8, 2008, JJ Cooper said…
Hi Phillipa,

Thanks for the well wishes. At this stage the first novel is looking at a release date for August 2009.

At 11:31am on June 27, 2008, Karen from AustCrime said…
No worries Phillipa - thanks for letting me. I hear we might be catching up at the Crime & Justice Festival - I'm not sure if you were at the Sisters In Crime event the other night - it was such a crowded room I couldn't see who was there and who wasn't :)
At 4:40pm on June 19, 2008, Daniel Hatadi said…
No worries, Phillipa (I spelt it right this time).

My novel will come out ... well, first, I have to finish it. Then find an agent/publisher, etc. :)
At 2:20pm on May 23, 2008, Daniel Hatadi said…
Nice to have another Aussie author on board. Welcome to CrimeSpace, Philippa (even though it took me this many months to find you!).
At 5:22am on April 23, 2008, HELI COP said…
Have a great day.
At 10:25am on March 26, 2008, Phillipa Martin (PD Martin) said…
Yeah, I did corporate writing and some journalism, but I agree, it's not particularly useful - certainly not from a publicist's point of view! It seems easier to get media attention if you've got a background in the field (i.e. law enforcement). But I'm sure our writing background makes the writing part easier!
At 10:14am on March 26, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Yes, strange as is sounds, being a writer/journalist is not all that useful as a novelist.
At 1:43pm on March 21, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi P.D.
I've heard good things about your work on the mystery lists. I'm envious of your criminology degree — it must be quite useful in your fiction.
At 10:12am on February 29, 2008, Grant McKenzie said…
Thanks, Phillipa. I'm certainly hoping that Switch will be available down under, but I probably won't know what other rights have been sold until after the London Book Fair in April.
At 8:06am on February 12, 2008, Phillipa Martin (PD Martin) said…
We went up to Sydney for the Olympics too - it was fantastic. And I love America! Have visited quite a lot, but would love to live there for a few months (or longer). Our last trip was 2005 and the West Coast. Loved it. "More Aussie than American"...mmm...I wonder what that does mean!
At 10:30am on February 11, 2008, David L. Hoof said…
Was in Sydney for the 2000 Games there and had a terrific time. Without exception the 'natives' were more than great. Balanced and even-tempered, fun and upbeat. On the way back I spent two days in Melbourne, and was told that Melbourners (sic) and Sydneysiders were quite different, as were the city. Would love to experience more. A classmate from prep school now lives with his American wife in Manly, and has called me, "More Aussie than American." Whatever that means.
At 2:59am on February 11, 2008, David L. Hoof said…
well done and good on you for your efforts. Best wishes from the States.

At 9:36am on February 10, 2008, Karen from AustCrime said…
Hi Phillipa and welcome to Crimespace :)

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