Beth Groundwater's Comments

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At 7:51am on October 13, 2013, Elisabeth Young-Brookshire said…

Well, thanks, Beth!

At 1:03am on June 22, 2013, Ellen E Kennedy said…

Thanks for connecting me with this website! Looking forward to reading all the neat things on it!

At 4:53am on April 2, 2013, Mike Johnson said…

Thanks Beth.  I'm looking forward to reading the blogs.  Have you read many of Jeffrey Martin's books?

At 8:28am on March 12, 2013, Vixen Black said…

Hi ! Beth and thanks for welcoming me :-)

At 1:58am on January 3, 2013, David Lubeski said…

Hi Beth:

Yes, except for his most recent, I've read everything Grisham has ever written. I would like to read your Deadly Currents. I'll be looking for it at the book store.


At 7:49pm on December 11, 2012, Paul Raffaelli said…

Hi Beth,

Crime Fiction is my niche. Kimberley Chambers is my current read. Yourself?


At 1:52am on December 3, 2012, anne argers said…

I would give one or two of such novels a read.  Always open to trying books that don't seem to be my usual first choices.  As an idea of what I prefer, my two most recent mysteries were The Geneva Trap by Stella Rimington and Blood Line by Lynda LaPlante.  Both are latest installlments in series and both were well written.  Now I'm into The Bookseller by Mark Pryor.  While I have some misgivings about the plot,. the descriptions of Paris are so authentic that I would recommend the book just on its compelling sense of place.

At 2:45am on October 10, 2012, William Wilde said…

Thanks for the add, Beth.

At 4:21am on May 9, 2012, Alice McCrory said…

Looking forward to getting to know you and your work.

At 4:32am on May 4, 2012, Alice McCrory said…

Hi Beth,

Thank you!  That would be fine!  Also, thank you for the recommendation.  I'll check it out.

At 11:57am on April 24, 2012, Danise Wallace Gurule said…

Yes, That would be great Beth. 

At 2:59pm on March 12, 2012, Renee Pawlish said…

Nice to meet you, fellow Coloradan

At 8:33am on February 25, 2012, Christine Wood said…
Hi, Beth: thanks for your request. It made me feel instantly welcome! I do certainly recognise you from BOOKED. Best wishes.
At 10:39am on January 9, 2012, Sandra Bradstreet said…

Absolutely! And THANK YOU!

At 2:39am on January 8, 2012, Sandra Bradstreet said…

Also you are my FIRST friend in here and I am very excited about your wonderful work! :)

At 2:35am on January 8, 2012, Sandra Bradstreet said…

Hi, Beth!

Thank you for the friend request! I added you and look forward to friendship! :)

At 10:06am on January 7, 2012, Peggy McCants said…

Hi, Beth - Thanks for following up with procrastinator-me... I just now signed-up, and have traveled back here to let you know. 

Looking forward to my first read of it!



At 2:00am on January 5, 2012, Peggy McCants said…

Hi, and Thank You back to you!

Your newsletter sounds like fun and the info on it will be from an original source -- you!!!

At 1:56pm on January 4, 2012, Peggy McCants said…

Thanks, Beth for adding me -- I'm a reader and itty-bitty bit of a writer -- my writing only reaches a local circle where we share prose or poetry that we are beginning, refining or finishing.

Your novels sound interesting -- I will look for you in my local indie (the best & only kind) bookstore.

Hope you have a great 2012!

Again, thanks.


At 1:14pm on January 4, 2012, michael draper said…

Hi Beth,

Thanks for the 'friend' hope we can have some good ideas about crime and writing.

My first novel, "Splattered Blood" is just coming out tomorrow. Yeah!

Good luck with your book. Maybe one day we can be on a platform of new writers.


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