J.R. Lindermuth's Comments

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At 11:30am on April 22, 2020, Dan L. Coleman said…

Welcome, J.R. I look forward to reading your work. Also, librarians are my favorite people.

At 2:18am on September 18, 2011, Susan Whitfield said…
J.R., shoot an email to ssn.whitfield@gmail.com for details. Thanks!
At 12:44am on September 18, 2011, Susan Whitfield said…
J.R., let me know if you'd like to be interviewed on my blog.
At 3:42am on August 4, 2011, Robert Christopher said…
No Problem. :)~ \m/
At 12:22pm on December 16, 2010, Clark Lohr said…

Congrats on being a PIO.  That's what I wanted to be. They woudn't do it. I was just eighteen, maybe too young, but for whatever reason, they talked me into being a personnel clerk--which was real real boring. When I got to Vietnam I was assigned as a Casualty Reporter with the 25th Inf. Div.  I liked the job.  I worked at night.

At 6:24pm on December 15, 2010, Brian Kavanagh said…

JR, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. New book published and my time has been taken up with that.

 Good to meet up!



At 9:17am on December 15, 2010, Clark Lohr said…

That's great.  You had the smarts to get onto a real job and stay in-country.  They shipped me out for Ft Sill and I volunteered for Vietnam to get out of Okalhoma.

Clark Lohr

At 3:29am on December 15, 2010, Clark Lohr said…


I watched Memories of a Murder, Bong Joo-ho's Korean crime film.

Awkward, but deep and dark.  Thanks for putting me onto it.

Not to pry, but what were you doing in Korea?  I was being an

18 year old soldier (dopey kid), but it was wild.

Clark Lohr

Clark Lohr

At 1:10am on May 9, 2009, Malcolm Holt said…
Hi there. Many thanks for adding me as a friend. Best wishes. Malcolm
At 4:54am on January 25, 2009, Beth Fish said…
I'll have to look into your series -- fun to read about an area that I'm (vaguely) familiar with.
At 3:57am on January 25, 2009, Beth Fish said…
Oh, are you near Harrisburg? I'm in a small town in Centre Co.
At 3:57am on January 25, 2009, Beth Fish said…
Thanks for "friending" me!
At 3:51am on January 25, 2009, Dave Zeltserman said…
JR, thanks for the invitation.--Dave
At 1:42am on December 22, 2008, JackBludis said…
Terrific selection of books, authors, and movies.
At 10:51am on November 26, 2008, Jane Cleland said…
At 9:56am on November 26, 2008, Jane Cleland said…
Hi, I wanted to ask you too if it your first “Josie” tale or have you read some of the books?

I’m so pleased you enjoyed the story.


At 1:23am on November 22, 2008, Hull Crime Fiction said…
Nice to see you here, John.
At 6:19am on June 23, 2008, r hirt said…
Just came onsite. Clicked view thread, but, just got the comment box. How do I see the comment from Lindenmuth?
At 6:27am on June 21, 2008, Chester D. Campbell said…
Right, son Steve has worked at the Camp Hill office of EDS for several years now. As a result, I've done signings around there for each of my four books.
At 2:41am on June 17, 2008, Scott Nicholson said…
hey, good to see you on Crimespace, JR

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