Karyne's Comments

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At 2:54pm on January 25, 2011, Clark Lohr said…

Glad you like the pic.  I took it with a Hasselblad in the 1990's, painted it with light (camera on tripod, middle of the night, ran around flashing sign with flash gun using colored gels). Then my son-in-law, David Siddall, photoshopped it, changing the values of the colors  for maximum menace.

I couldn't tell what kind of handgun that was.  I've shot handguns a lot, still shoot some.  Thanks for your response.


At 4:34am on January 25, 2011, Terrence McCauley said…

Thanks,  Karyne. That's the goal, anyway. My first drafts always look like they come out of a bad '40s movie.  But I try to make it more sophisticated during the editing process. My work will never be Pride and Prejudice, but there's a happy medium between high literature and crap.

At 5:06am on January 2, 2011, Carol Bridgestock said…
You've got two more now! :-) Great to meet you!
At 4:33pm on September 14, 2010, jack everett said…
I'm sure that's what everyone wants a place to get their message across. Best of luck.
At 3:59am on September 14, 2010, jack everett said…
Be sure to let me know when it's up and running so that I can pay a visit and I wish you all the best in writing. Noting your genre we are currently working on a Werewolf tale but I can't see it having any romantic affiliations.
At 4:06pm on September 13, 2010, jack everett said…
Any friend of Sunny's is doubly a friend of mine. My poor offering of a website is www.jackleverett.me.uk so why not check me out.
At 12:16am on January 10, 2010, RONALD FEASEL said…
Please add me my requests full. Checkout my entries here on my second novel I'm writing---Moral Dilemma at: http://www.freado.com/book/5100/MORAL-DILEMMA
And http://www.freado.com/book/5120/THE-RHYME-MAN
At 3:27pm on March 23, 2009, Sunny Frazier said…
Hey Karyne, Dorinda Ohnstadt joined. Why don't you befriend her and explain our connection.
At 2:08am on February 20, 2009, Mary Montague Sikes said…
Thanks! This seems to be a really active site!
At 2:07am on January 9, 2009, David L. Hoof said…
Writers are suposed to be sensitive enough to soak in, and react to, their surroundings, not plod through a place focused only on their shoes, but, to be honest, I was once prompted into a novel (ultimately published by NAL) by staring at my shoes a bit too long. From that point it was just a matter of putting my best foot forward, then keep going.
At 3:37pm on January 8, 2009, David L. Hoof said…
Strangely, or perhaps the word would be 'unexpectedly' human in scale for a place so accessible to the big apple. That's not bad, it's just that the transition is unanticipated.
At 9:36am on January 7, 2009, Sunny Frazier said…
Uh, that was suppose to be NETWORK--but, I kinda like netword. Looks like I'm starting my own dictionary.
At 9:35am on January 7, 2009, Sunny Frazier said…
Let's get your name out there and develop a netword! That's the goal for 2009.

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