Karen J. Laubenstein's Comments

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At 11:38pm on October 12, 2007, Peg Brantley said…
What a crazy-wild life you lead! I was born in Canon City, have lived in Salida and Limon, Colorado Springs, Lakewood, Denver and I've settled near Cherry Creek Reservoir, southeast of Denver. Love taking walks down there. Of course, right now the big news is we're experiencing a glorious fall with flashes of purple (the Rockies are in the playoffs). Sounds like your chugging ahead full-speed with your book. Kudos!
At 10:37am on October 12, 2007, Simon Wood said…
Thanks for being such a great host to a few hundred people. :-0
At 12:32am on October 9, 2007, Peg Brantley said…
Karen, what a full and wonderful life you have. The puppy pics are terrific, and oh . . . that scenery. Gorgeous. Some of my favorite sounds (you'll love 'em too) geese honking and the sound of their wings, laughter of people l love, the doorbell when friends are coming over.

I hope to get to know you.

At 2:25pm on October 4, 2007, Morgan OReilly said…
I'd love to poke my nose in, but if that is the 17th of Oct, I already have a meeting that night. But I'll keep November open! Would love to sit through a meeting and possibly join. We'll have to see.

Life is pure madness at the moment as I try to catch up on edits. The October release date is just too close for comfort and I have to make sure everything is in order, including my debut novella! Oct 26 is the day when Morgan O'Reilly takes the e-waves by storm with a hot little story! Keep the ice water or a snowbank handy!
At 1:55pm on October 4, 2007, Morgan OReilly said…
Hi Karen! Loved meeting you at B'con.
At 5:16pm on October 1, 2007, Louisa Christy said…
Karen, you are the most awesome person I have ever met. You were all over at B'con taking pictures, meeting everyone, and the shining face we have all come to know and love will be with us forever. Your wonderful work on this convention made it the best ever and everyone should know that beautiful program was the work of your creative mind. You are the muse and the example we should all follow. Thanks for all you hard work.
At 8:57am on August 28, 2007, Lawrence Light said…
Hi Karen-- Thanks for your note. Meredith and I are looking forward to meeting you in Alaska! Larry
At 5:54am on August 26, 2007, carole gill said…
Wow, sounds like fun! Six puppies. I put photos up on my page--you;ll see them. we're both in the kitchen, or nearby--glued. keeping an eye on Papa, because Mama lets him have alook, but not too close! during the births--I banished him to the caravan! but then I took him for a long walk while hubby baby sat and mama sat. Indy's been very good really, considering it's Indy!
At 2:45pm on August 20, 2007, Anne Frasier said…
hi karen!
i might be interested in the Oregon place you were talking about on the main page. i'd hoped to stay close to my current location for now, but i do love Oregon...

you can contact me at

or through crimespace

At 7:55am on August 20, 2007, Rabbi Jacobs said…
Karen, This is great, I just joined CrimeSpace, and you're the fourth kind person to welcome me. Thank you.

I guess you get a lot of comments about living in Alaska. Well, all I can say is you're one of the LUCKY ones.

I grew up in Vermont (New England, above Mass.) and we had real winters. I owned two ski-doos and we used to camp out in the winter.

High mountain cold air is so rich, you can eat it.

Congrats on Jamie's blue belt. I did a Korean martial art for thirteen years. (Show Jamie my karate video clips on: www.rabbijacobs.com). Keep him doing that, the discipline will stand him stead in other areas of life. Best. Rabbi Jacobs
At 5:20pm on August 19, 2007, Jackie Tritt said…
Well, Karen, I think I'll pass winter in Alaska, though your photos look gorgeous.

I love the sound of your books, especially the juvenile detective series. I write crime and I write for children's magazines, usually science articles, so I had thought of juvenile detection myself, but haven't done anything about it yet.

And as for being taught by Stephen King and writing for a president and Ted Kennedy, you've had some marvellous experiences by the sound of things.

By the way, you're the first person I've come across who actually reads ebooks. I'm impressed.

At 8:17am on August 19, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Hi Karen,

I used to do programming for an organization, so am familiar with the ups and downs of cancellations! There are a lot of things wreaking havoc on Ken's schedule these days, unfortunately for him. I wonder how writers often plan so far in advance. Then again, I see many go through cancelling events...

The UK is wonderful. I've always enjoyed my trips there, fully. You'll love it. Very different from Alaska, which has it's own special charms. I was hoping to go see the chocolate waterfall again, but that will have to wait for another time.
At 6:48am on August 19, 2007, carole gill said…
so true. the gremlins are taking over our lives here. everytime on one computer i go onto crimespace, there is a pop up thingy that ask yes or no soemthing about scripts! what ever that means. and on the laptop i can't open my hotmail to read the crimespace thing because thirty frames open up one after the others. AHHHHHHHHHHHH. IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS. we're working on it though!
At 4:39am on August 19, 2007, carole gill said…
just got so mixed up. posted you a long reply and gremlins took it away so here goes again. thanks for all you said. as for Josie--! i read her name as Jose. isn't that sad?! does she work with deaf people? thanks for what you said about the forums--i find them so interesting. i enjoy asking questtions. sometimes it's to find out opinions for my writing--and sometimes it's just to "get everybody going!" my Grandad was like that, he'd get everyone excited, hot under the color about politics, wink at me and laugh and go grind his coffee (hiding in the kitchen and listening to the arguments)! all the best. and thanks again for what you said!
ps we used to fish. a lot when I was a child. what kind of fish was that? i jsut saw in your photos?
At 10:52pm on August 18, 2007, Alafair Burke said…
I'm glad you kidding about my triggering some long lost desire to go to law school. That's the kind of desire that should stay lost! I just can't make the flight out to Alaska around my fall class schedule, so I'm sorry I'll miss all the fun.
At 8:04pm on August 18, 2007, carole gill said…
oh that doggie, Jose! does he bark in spanish? those photos are fabulous, Alaska? wow. I've been to a number of places that I considered beautiful--but that more than holds its own. majestic. maybe someday--we'll go--my husband and I. meanwhile i can dream
At 12:03pm on August 18, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Hi Karen. I love Alaska! Wish I was going to B'con, but unfortunately, my schedule has gone mad and I had to cancel. :( I'll be hearing about all the fun you're having without me...
At 10:24am on August 18, 2007, Gemma Halliday said…
Don’t let word get out but… yes!!!
Whenever I go to a writing conference, the first thing people do after I introduce myself is check out my shoes. Oh, the pressure! Of course, it’s a great excuse to buy new shoes, too. I’m campaigning with my accountant to write them off as a business expense. ;)

At 4:34am on August 17, 2007, Lee Lofland said…
Alaska sounds wonderful. I'm sure I'll regret not making it to B'con, but all the others I've spoken for this year were nice, too.
At 12:52am on August 17, 2007, Cyndi Martin said…
Thanks for adding me! I think I'm in love with Sheriff Jamie!

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