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Delphine, I'd love to hear about Francis Zamponi's books...wish I'd known about him when I did research on Corsica...
At 7:21pm on September 17, 2007, Roger Newbury said…
Hi Delphine, thanks for the invite! I'm not sure, but I think I might have at least one of John Harvey's books, but I won't be able to check until I have moved home. Rest assurred I shall definitely check him out though!
Being a long-term huge fan of Fred Vargas I was really pleased to discover a couple of books by Sébastien Japrisot in a second hand shop not far from here (of all things)! I'm really looking forward to them - they sound like great fun, so I was extremely pleased to find you mention them in your list of favourites as we coincide on so many other authors.
Delphine, Thanks for stopping by my website and offering the feedback. Please give my regards to Cara, and to Paris. I look forward to learning about some great books by following your posts and reading lists. My wife, who spent a year in Paris, can help me with your French blog. Merci' Jim
After the exams, I am finally finding time to read more. I am now on Goodreads where I am having a lot of fun exchanging ideas of things to read.
My latest discoveries are On Chesyl Beach by Ian McEwan and a super great detective novel, The Athenian Murders by José Carlos Somoza.
Checkout my reading list on Goodreads - where you can see what your friends are reading.
You have an impressive list of writers you like. I like so many and they are so varied that I gave up listing them, and there are always new ones. I too am interested in crime fiction in a academic way. I wrote my research MA (maitrise) on the 'missing' detective in contemporary French crime fiction. As examples I used Daeninck's Cadin and Vargas's Adamsberg. Very torn as to whether to undertake a PhD on Vargas, but in the meantime am giving papers on various aspects of her work while I consider it. Also writing a chapter for a reference book on crime fiction translated into English. Very broad scope though the French feature quite significantly and my interest in Pennac and Vargas will be well used.
For my paid work I am a picture researcher working mainly for academics in Oxford as I live near there. My working life has been spent working in publishing from children's books, language textbooks etc - all mainly with the image content but I have also edited and designed them. And just sometimes I think I would like to write something...
Achh! Politicians! Shakespeare's list should have had two entries... "...first we kill the lawyers and the politicians.
Great news: HTSS is being considered for stocking in a large county library system in Florida! That will be my first bulk sale. Not bad for two months out from a new author at a new publisher! I may have to trade in my unknown status for something more popular.
Delphine wrote:
> Thanks for introducing me to crimespace.
> Wonderful place.
I thought you would love it. It gives you access to current writers of English Language Crime Fiction -- your research specialty. Perhaps some of them would be interested in reading some of your recent papers. I know I enjoyed reading them!
Delphine Cingal's Comments
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Merci beaucoups!
My latest discoveries are On Chesyl Beach by Ian McEwan and a super great detective novel, The Athenian Murders by José Carlos Somoza.
Checkout my reading list on Goodreads - where you can see what your friends are reading.
I hope you'll join me here so we can talk books.
You have an impressive list of writers you like. I like so many and they are so varied that I gave up listing them, and there are always new ones. I too am interested in crime fiction in a academic way. I wrote my research MA (maitrise) on the 'missing' detective in contemporary French crime fiction. As examples I used Daeninck's Cadin and Vargas's Adamsberg. Very torn as to whether to undertake a PhD on Vargas, but in the meantime am giving papers on various aspects of her work while I consider it. Also writing a chapter for a reference book on crime fiction translated into English. Very broad scope though the French feature quite significantly and my interest in Pennac and Vargas will be well used.
For my paid work I am a picture researcher working mainly for academics in Oxford as I live near there. My working life has been spent working in publishing from children's books, language textbooks etc - all mainly with the image content but I have also edited and designed them. And just sometimes I think I would like to write something...
so sorry to miss you in Paris
Great news: HTSS is being considered for stocking in a large county library system in Florida! That will be my first bulk sale. Not bad for two months out from a new author at a new publisher! I may have to trade in my unknown status for something more popular.
Alexandria and I would love to meet you and François (tbd) when we visit Paris in Septembre. There are so many topics to discuss!
> Thanks for introducing me to crimespace.
> Wonderful place.
I thought you would love it. It gives you access to current writers of English Language Crime Fiction -- your research specialty. Perhaps some of them would be interested in reading some of your recent papers. I know I enjoyed reading them!
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