David L. Hoof's Comments

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At 1:30pm on October 24, 2010, Josie Aquila said…
David you asked me awhile back if Steve Prefontaine was from Coos Bay...? Yes he was...People really look up to him...he was a great runner from what I understand..We have these Blackberry Festivals and Fun Festivals in Coos Bay every year...They always have a Prefontaine run in honor of Steve...its pretty cool....
At 12:58am on June 13, 2009, Harry Shannon said…
Strange. We had coffee last week. Perhaps the email never got through to him at all? Congratulations on your projects. We still have two scripts we're running with, and Yossi and I are both open to co-producing. You can email me at ghoulishguy@aol.com and I will be happy to forward it. Break a leg!
At 12:37am on June 12, 2009, Harry Shannon said…
Did you ever reach Yossi? yossi@darkhaze.net
At 4:24pm on June 8, 2009, Josie Aquila said…
Hi David!!!! Yes Steve PreFontaine is from Coos Bay, Oregon. Unfortunately I never got to meet him. We actually live in North Bend which is 2 minutes from Coos Bay. We moved in 1988 and I believe he died in 1968. We have Prefontaine runs for the kids all over Coos County. He was a famous man in this area. When I go to the High School that he attended, they have his pictures everywhere. His parents are still alive and live close to the High School. Thanks for asking.
At 8:59am on May 28, 2009, Eileen Thornton said…
Thank you for your comments, David.

At 5:53am on April 21, 2009, Astrid Lindeloff said…
Thank you David. I'm glad you did so well in Denmark
At 3:04am on March 6, 2009, Matt Rees said…
I've had a look for Tel Aviv 1952 maps on Hebrew Google, but nothing's come up yet. I'll keep you posted if anything comes up...
At 1:03am on February 2, 2009, Harry Shannon said…
I never check this site unless I get an email prompt, sorry. The link for Yossi should be http://www.darkhaze.net or just email him at yossi@darkhaze.net the movie site is www.deadandgonethemovie.com or www.myspace.com/deadandgonethemovie

We have a new script we're in talks about, but nothing firm yet. He is a terrific guy, contact him. Happy New Year!
At 5:47am on January 9, 2009, Dorte said…
Thank you for welcoming me :)
I just checked "Blind Jagt" via google - so your Danish ´pen name´ must be David Lorne?
Nice to be in touch with a crime fiction writer (my great dream, as you may have seen on my page).
New Year´s greetings from Denmark.
At 1:25am on January 9, 2009, Karyne said…
thats a remarkably accurate description. I grew up here, its somewhat like being in another time and place. when my parents first moved here from NYC, they called it a regular Dick and Jane town.
At 10:34am on January 8, 2009, Karyne said…
Hi David, thanks for the friend request. What did you think of our lil burg?
At 10:24am on December 25, 2008, Pate Grantwell said…
Thank you for the invitation, David. Glad to make your cyber acquaintance.
At 9:17am on December 24, 2008, Art Montague said…
Hi David,
Thanks for the invite. To let you know that my general website is at www.artmontague.com where you can find out more about me.
Best Wishes, Art
At 9:00am on November 15, 2008, JB Kohl said…
Ahhh....will have to read your stuff....pleasure to meet you.
My site is www.jbkohl.com....
love the dark satirical work. Can't wait to read yours.
At 1:30pm on September 21, 2008, Deborah Turrell Atkinson said…
Good idea, and it may happen, gulp. Basically, it would make for quite a recession locally.
At 2:01am on September 21, 2008, Harry Shannon said…
Actually, there isn't much I haven't done at this age, from acting to music supervision, so keep me in mind as you go along, particularly if Yossi is involved. Be happy to help out.
At 12:38am on September 21, 2008, Alafair Burke said…
Best of luck.
At 8:09pm on September 20, 2008, Jessica said…
Nah they wouldn't want me - too much of a diva, or so they tell me...
At 2:45pm on September 20, 2008, Harry Shannon said…
David, yes he does and he's one of the nicest guys I've ever worked with. Yossi Sasson, www.darkhaze.net.
At 8:37am on September 20, 2008, Harry Shannon said…
Sounds like you already have a lot going, David. Getting anything produced is difficult these days. I'm a screenwriter, but you have that covered--I can recommend a director and a really good makeup guy.

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