David L. Hoof's Comments

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At 2:20pm on April 25, 2008, Jessica said…
Yes, it was me 12 years ago. Trust me I am quite ready for the real world Mr Scrooge!
At 12:57pm on April 4, 2008, Susan said…
Wow, Sea of Love! Great movie, and the grocery store scene was fabulous. Ellen Barkin and Al Pacino had great chemistry. Also, I read somewhere that the FBI uses that film (among many) at their training course about serial offenders. Thanks for the comment, David
At 7:44am on April 4, 2008, Jennie Spallone said…
I'm only thirty seconds into getting my feet wet on Crime Space. How can it best be used??
At 11:01am on March 28, 2008, Eileen Hawkins said…
Apparently they are not on the SPL lists because they are not in the SPL Catalog. Too bad.
At 9:57am on March 28, 2008, Eileen Hawkins said…
Of course, David, you know that Hel, one L, was the Norse goddess of the earth.Sadly, I have no fear of Hel, I've already been there.
At 9:51am on March 28, 2008, Rich M Carroll said…
And of course don't forget Lewistown...which of course is pronounced LewisTON.

Ah yes the quirks of the great Midwest.
At 9:34am on March 28, 2008, Eileen Hawkins said…
Not on the SPL lists, but Professor Martin Kich has your protagonist listed in his list of detectives with physical disabilities.

At 9:20am on March 28, 2008, Eileen Hawkins said…
And now I learn on Sheila Quigley's page you write books with a blind protagonist. I am in awe. Being disabled myself (or am I handi-capable, like they tried to put over a few years ago) I have a special interest in disabilities in fiction. Seattle Public Library has a couple of lists of books with disabled characters, I will look to see if your books are on them.
At 8:55am on March 28, 2008, Eileen Hawkins said…
We can hope for solar powered scooters and the sun to run them on, even in Seattle. Or maybe rain powered would be more apropo.
At 8:52am on March 28, 2008, Rich M Carroll said…
As the saying goes....It plays in Peoria.....

To which I say...If it doesn't play in Peoria then it's not worth watching because I haven't seen it. (Honest this has nothing to do with me being a self centered only child)

Anyway I am not alone in the Peoria area here on Crimespace. My best friend John a.k.a Pen of Milojnir joined right after I did.

But it's still nice to meet new folks who are friendly and take the time to comment to you. Unlike certain other places who's name (MySpace) I won't mention. *Grins*
At 8:08am on March 28, 2008, Eileen Hawkins said…
Books have always been my window on the world. I wore out several bedspreads as a child reading books in my room. But I occasionally get out on my scooter. As a matter of fact, we (my service dog and I) are about to leave for a scooter ride.... to the library, natch. But we'll probably have to bus it, the winds really blowing and I don't think my battery has enough juice for the whole trip. Need new batteries or a better head that remembers to plug it in.
At 8:04am on March 28, 2008, Rich M Carroll said…
Nah Normal's about an hour east of Peoria. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello to the newbie....I'm still learning the ropes here and to be honest Crime and Mystery aren't my strong suit but I'm always up to meeting new people with a passion for writing and who enjoy to read as much as I do.
At 6:56am on March 27, 2008, Michelle Gagnon said…
Thanks for the offer, David...my next effort deals with loose nuclear fissile materials, so I might be taking you up on that...
At 4:42am on March 27, 2008, Michelle Gagnon said…
Thanks for the add, David!
At 11:08am on March 25, 2008, Sara Meredith said…
I love Santa Fe, the mountains, the sky, and the people. I am from Chicago originally but have lived in a lot of places.
At 9:20am on March 24, 2008, Viansa Blake said…
Why thank you! :o) Happy Bunny Day!
At 4:36am on March 13, 2008, Sheila Quigley said…
I will keep my eye out, pardon the pun, for them. do you think they stole your work?
Also, quite giddy at the thought of it being around three thirty for you when its half six for me.
At 4:16am on March 13, 2008, Sheila Quigley said…
Are they for sale in England shops David.
At 1:15am on March 11, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
The contrasts always catch my attention too. The homeless-looking guy on a $1500 bicycle. The old woman driving the '77 Charger.

Your comments on my photo would make my photographer (good friend Gwen) very proud. We worked for hours to get one good shot. She thinks the photo on the inside of my book, although attractive, is not appropriate for a mystery writer. She convinced me that I needed a mysterious and intense look for my mysterious and intense writing.
At 10:14am on February 28, 2008, Carol Exline said…
What a fantastic idea -- Exline Online. That's cool. I like it.

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