David L. Hoof's Comments

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At 4:35am on August 13, 2007, Cornelia Read said…
Hi David, thank you so much for ordering a copy of Field of Darkness--especially in hardcover!

I had a comment lost yesterday too. Must be internet gnomes on strike again.
At 7:12am on August 7, 2007, Krystal Waters said…
Hello David, just stopping by to say hello! Have a great week.

At 8:27am on August 4, 2007, Harry Shannon said…
Burke is an idol of mine. I recall sending a manuscript inquiry to Phil a number of years back, and he was very gracious in response, although too busy to do anything. Nice to meet you.
At 3:04am on July 31, 2007, spyscribbler said…
I believe in the connection between words and music, too! Hearing, in the mind's ear, what we read and the rhythm of what we read, is an important element of literacy.

But then, I've spent most of my life in music, the rest in books. My perception is definitely biased, LOL!
At 8:48pm on July 27, 2007, Shirley Wells said…
Hi David and thanks for the invite.
Little Gods sounds great. Good luck with it. I must look out for it.
At 11:01am on July 26, 2007, Rosemary Harris said…
Wow! What a nice comment. I may re-read that every morning. Little Gods sounds terrific. What are you working on now?
At 12:34am on July 26, 2007, Brenda Chapman said…
Hi David - Thanks for adding me to your list of friends. One more question - did you visit the Arctic to write your book?
At 11:10pm on July 25, 2007, Brenda Chapman said…
I'll have to check out your book. I have to admit that I haven't read much YA fiction as I tend to read adult mysteries in my spare time. I've lately been wondering how far to push the envelope with writing for adolescents - what will publishers accept or not? I think it depends on the publisher and the author and what they are comfortable with. What do you think?
At 12:25pm on July 25, 2007, Brenda Chapman said…
Hi David - Where abouts in Northern Canada is your book set? Is it for older teens?
At 10:06pm on July 22, 2007, carole gill said…
I admire you. I'm knew to this, to actually sending my stuff out. How do you get through it? In truth, I did send out one manuscript, and it was rejected--but for some reason I had written a romance, and I never read them! They said it had promise, but it was bit sugary. I had to agree. I read something funny about a writer saying that only his life depended on him getting published. YOu have to be a writer, I guess, to understand that. I understand it and I know you do. I hope you have diversions though. I'm sure you must.
At 1:50am on July 22, 2007, carole gill said…
You do sound busy! I, too, write. Am working on a novel in a series as well as short stories. I tend to work until I can't see straight, eight hours at a time and then back to it. All the best of luck to you, though and I mean it!

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