Evil Kev's Comments

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At 6:06am on August 13, 2007, Rick Mofina said…
You're welcom Kev.
At 12:02am on July 29, 2007, Harry Shannon said…
Howdy Kev
At 11:21pm on July 21, 2007, carole gill said…
Hi, I bet you're not evil at all. Of course, any one of us could be serial killers and we could be writing from death row, couldn't we?!
At 11:07pm on July 8, 2007, Tony Black said…
Hey--thanks for the post. Charles made the Pulp Pusher interview real easy - he's such a gent!
At 5:20am on April 12, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Hi EvilKev -- I kind of know your better half. You even look familiar.

At 1:24pm on April 10, 2007, Evil Kev said…
Dames, bullets. They just go together.

So bring a bottle of Jack and we can sit down and talk about the job.

Careful with Miss DaMeaner Buddy, she'd slit your throat if ya look at her crosseyed, so play nice, see.
At 5:52pm on April 9, 2007, Dennis Venter said…
Yo, Prince of Evil, thanks for the invite thing. Always wanted a big bad as a bud. We should get together sometime, go on a spree. Bit of mayhem always good for the soul. And we can invite Miss DaMeaner. When the bullet storm blows, nol ways will they miss her orange jumpsuit.
At 2:33pm on April 6, 2007, Miss DaMeaner said…
Evil Kev said... "What's a dame like you doin' in a jumpsuit like that?" Hell-oh, Baby! Gotme. Luv it when guys talk like that. :) So I'm laying on my cot seeing you brushing your teeth in a wifebeater thinkin', hey dollface (to myself), ask him over. We could shave together, exchange cuffs...play stick-em-up and spread-em.... But then I see something else you wrote and the image was ruined. "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will... " Which is true but the way the words hang makes me think the REAL EvilKev is a Jedi. OK. Short's cool. You've got a good feel for The Dark Side. "Consume you it will." *swoon* Nice to meet you, EvilKev. Good name! Good page. Good hat -- and good to meet ya, too.
At 1:50pm on April 2, 2007, Evil Kev said…
I'm just a regular joe. Hard drinkin', chain smoking, filling any palooka who lifts my deck of Luckies with daylight kind of guy. See, a regular joe.
At 1:33pm on April 2, 2007, Laura Benedict said…
Hi, Evil Kev. Nice to meet you.

(I usually end "nice to meet you" with an excalmation point, but, somehow, you don't seem to be that kind of guy.)
At 12:52pm on April 2, 2007, Evil Kev said…
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will...
At 11:47am on April 2, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
He's my mentor. Everything I am today is a direct result of his corruptive influence.
At 7:46am on April 2, 2007, norby said…
Hmm, let's see, if Sandra's a force of evil, and this is evilkev, well, I'm no genius, but...

You're either partners or someone's a sidekick-if you're going to fight over who gets to be in charge, can I watch?
At 3:39pm on April 1, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Hey, wait a second Norby, what are you saying?!
At 10:43am on April 1, 2007, Evil Kev said…
Evil! Igor, bring me more evil!
At 10:37am on April 1, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
Evil is here. I like evil.
At 10:08am on April 1, 2007, norby said…
Ah, the other half or the evil duo-welcome!
At 10:05am on April 1, 2007, Angie said…
Poor, poor new guy! And be careful, or you'll ash yourself, tough guy.

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