Gumshoe Carl's Comments

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At 4:36am on July 29, 2007, Cornelia Read said…
Hi Carl,

Thank you so much for giving Field a try, and I'm very happy to hear that you liked it!
At 1:30pm on April 23, 2007, BookBitch said…
Thanks, Carl. I'm looking forward to catching up with you. Have a good trip.

At 11:45am on April 23, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Oh - naked man is back -- well done Carl. You certainly know how to make your page a fun place to visit
At 11:01am on April 23, 2007, Patricia said…
Carl...have a good trip! take lots of pictures. Travel safe.
At 3:17am on April 22, 2007, LC Fraser said…
You have to be careful of blinking, Fran. Maybe if we all ask nicely Carl will add the photo to his other pictures on the slide show.

Carl - hope you have a great trip!
At 10:28am on April 21, 2007, Fran Read said…
A naked man you say? I must have blinked and missed it. Hmmmph!
At 2:38pm on April 16, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Wow - Merlot you are right - he has a face. Cool.
At 1:41pm on April 16, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Ya know, we are all missing the relevant point.
Gumshoe Carl DOES identify the pic as being of Richard Gere( a while back, I'm sure)
Did anyone of you ladies get above the neck?
At 12:18pm on April 16, 2007, Lourdes Fernandez said…
Geez, Carl, I call up my chatterwall and there's a half-naked man there. Not that I mind, but for a moment I thought crimespace was going in a new direction ...
At 11:51am on April 16, 2007, Kerrie said…
Now a naked body is going too far Carl. I know we encouraged to reveal all but...
At 11:43am on April 16, 2007, LC Fraser said…
NNNOOOOO. He is fine how he is. I don't think he is cold. Not easy to tell really but he is not at all blue.
At 11:40am on April 16, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Merlot says "ACK! Put some clothes on that boy, it's cold out!!"
Sure got my attention, Carl.
At 11:30am on April 16, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Looks great, doesn't he Rose? Maybe we should move the scrabble/poker game here just for the view. What do you think? I will see what Merlot says.
At 10:38am on April 16, 2007, Rose said…
Wow, Carl. You have really been working out.
At 3:08am on April 16, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Looking for a reaction? Nice picture. Very flattering.
At 7:58am on April 14, 2007, Lourdes Fernandez said…
Beautiful photos, Carl. You've inspired me to go do some work on my page ...
At 11:03am on April 12, 2007, Gumshoe Carl said…
Yes in Bath, England!
At 8:39am on April 12, 2007, Mary Saums said…
Carl - is this new photo taken at the Roman Baths?
At 5:32am on April 12, 2007, Donna Moore said…
Carl - I like the new look!
At 9:10am on April 11, 2007, LC Fraser said…
New look? When did you grow the facial hair? I don't remember that . Mind you, beards and glasses are things I tend to completely miss. I am an awful eye witness

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