Ya know, we are all missing the relevant point.
Gumshoe Carl DOES identify the pic as being of Richard Gere( a while back, I'm sure)
Did anyone of you ladies get above the neck?
Geez, Carl, I call up my chatterwall and there's a half-naked man there. Not that I mind, but for a moment I thought crimespace was going in a new direction ...
New look? When did you grow the facial hair? I don't remember that . Mind you, beards and glasses are things I tend to completely miss. I am an awful eye witness
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Thank you so much for giving Field a try, and I'm very happy to hear that you liked it!
Carl - hope you have a great trip!
Gumshoe Carl DOES identify the pic as being of Richard Gere( a while back, I'm sure)
Did anyone of you ladies get above the neck?
Sure got my attention, Carl.
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