I. J. Parker's Comments

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At 8:46am on August 20, 2008, I. J. Parker said…
Hey, Lynette. So good to hear from you, and so glad to find you here. I went to your site. It looks great.
At 7:44am on August 20, 2008, Lynette Hall Hampton said…
Hi, I was the one asking about you on MWF. I sure miss the discussions and comments you made there, but I understand the hassel of not being able to get on. Though it's a good site now, it's not the same as the old one. There's very little activity on MWF now. A lot of the older members have drifted away and I miss them. I still check in every week or so to see if anyone has driften back. A few check in occasionally. I hope things are going well with you. How are the dogs?
At 4:26am on June 25, 2008, I. J. Parker said…
Thanks, Naomi. You mean physically? Yup, I'm okay. And yes, I saw Sarah's column. She's been great about supporting mystery writers.
At 3:15am on June 25, 2008, Naomi Hirahara said…
Hey, I.J.--

A nice writeup in Sarah's column on the Barnes and Noble website! Hope you're doing well.
At 9:06am on June 9, 2008, I. J. Parker said…
Thanks for asking, Byron. I'm flattered I've been missed. Actually I also had an e-mail from Penny. I can't get on any more. The site doesn't recognize me and no attempt at signing up again works. This happened before, and I just lost interest when the hassles started again. Give everyone my best, but I think I'll stay here now.
I hope all is well with you and any of our former friends.
At 8:17am on June 9, 2008, Byron Leon McAllister said…
On MWF someone asked what's become of you lately. I suggested you were busy, but maybe you'd like to add to that? Byron
At 5:08am on May 19, 2008, I. J. Parker said…
I hope you like it, DA. I take it that this is the hardcover St. Martin's Press one. They are out of print and hard to come by. Penguin's trade paper edition will be out in June. Enjoy.
At 5:04am on May 19, 2008, DADavenport said…
Dear I. J.
I was doing what has become a Birthday tradition, buying books at my favorite Used book store with a gift certificate my Mom gets me, and I found a lovely copy of The Hell Screen!... It's an advanced, uncorrected proof, which I love collecting on the side... I recognized your name immediately and had to grab it before anyone else did. I will start reading it today.

I am ecstatic!
At 2:23am on May 16, 2008, I. J. Parker said…
You're welcome, Tom. Do persist, and again: Much future success!
At 11:47am on May 15, 2008, Tom Cooke said…
Ms. Parker,
Thanks for the comment. I guess perhaps one sentence paragraphs are a bit small.

I am currently fiddling with the query. The bass fiddle now looks more like a ukulele. I'm going to keep it up until it looks like a Stradivarius.

Thanks again.

At 11:39pm on March 12, 2008, I. J. Parker said…
Thanks, Linton. It was. I like research. I also like revision. And, yes, the writing itself. :)
At 12:43am on March 8, 2008, I. J. Parker said…
Thanks, Geoff. That was very kind. I know the site because I waste a lot of time searching for the novels on the internet. Pure vanity, and I'm ashamed of myself. :)
At 10:07am on March 7, 2008, Geoff McGeachin said…
Hi I.J.

Thanks for the comment.

I was doing a quick search for your Sugawara books locally (love those covers) and came across this link which seems to be someone in Australia as she uses the term 'whinging’, but most definitely not in relationship to your work.
If you haven’t already seen this site I thought you might be interested.



At 8:19am on March 7, 2008, I. J. Parker said…
Hi, L.J. Thanks. Well, I've had great reviews before, but I especially loved this one. (I notice the lines ran together in the copying process. Maybe I need to fiddle with it.)
At 4:45am on March 7, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi I.J. This is L.J.
Those unexpected, out-of-nowhere great reviews on Amazon are the best! They keep me smiling for days.
Congratulations on finally getting the recognition you deserve.
At 4:51am on February 11, 2008, I. J. Parker said…
Hi, Sally. Well, I've returned to watching MASH reruns. Life was simpler then.
At 1:04am on January 31, 2008, I. J. Parker said…
Thanks, Carole. Well, yes, I'm university-trained, though not specifically on Japanese matters.
At 5:10pm on January 30, 2008, carole gill said…
Your research must be meticulous. How do you do it? Did you study it at University?
At 2:11am on December 9, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Much appreciated, Tim. I left a comment. I like your blog. How do you find the time to read so much? I must go back and take notes next time. There were a number of things I'd like to read myself.
Am just finishing up Godwin's THE SNAKE STONE. Very much like his Edgar winner. In fact, one wonders if he has nothing new to say. Some readers like the sameness, though.
At 1:22am on December 9, 2007, Timothy Hallinan said…
Hi, there --

I just wrote something nice about you in a blog about what I read in November. It's maybe half of the way down, under remarks about Robert Van Gulik's "The Chinese Nail Murders."

The URL is http://www.timothyhallinan.com/blog/?p=63

Hope you enjoy it. And I get relatively good traffic, so who knows? It might sell some books.

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