JackBludis's Comments

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At 9:33pm on July 6, 2007, Brenda Chapman said…
Hi Jack,
Good to meet you - I hope this book you've been working on for so long is now complete and picked up. I'll check out your website later today.
At 8:42pm on July 6, 2007, Burl Barer said…
I also have a new free short story on line at Crimeandsuspense.com entitled The Short Story. The Thrilling Detective debuted a sample chapter of my book HEADLOCK a few years back, bless their hearts.
HA! I love that you crank stuff out so fast. I wrote STEALTH (novelization of screenplay for Japan) in three weeks after having a heart attack -- I didn't tell SONY, who hired me, about the heart attack until months and months later. Heck, if they had known I would have lost the gig!
At 12:00pm on July 6, 2007, PulpStar said…
Thanks for the friendly request, Jack. Here's pulp in your eye!
At 2:37pm on June 30, 2007, Billie A Williams said…
Thanks for the invite Jack - sounds like you are a prolific writer - can't wait to read more.
At 12:37pm on June 30, 2007, JackBludis said…
Interesting that Jack has made a big comeback as a hero's name.
At 9:04am on June 30, 2007, Joan Conwell said…
Thanks for the invite, Jack. You have a great first name for thriller hero. Oh, wait a minute, it's been used already. So many times. But he's been called Jack in my head for so long....
At 7:42pm on June 28, 2007, JusticeSquad said…
I like your style, Jack. Enjoyed your hack confessions very much. Thanks for blogging.
At 7:14am on June 22, 2007, Theo Gangi said…
Yes, you have great taste. you might just like Bang Bang. I also like Cormac McCarthy. I haven't read the Road-- my favorite is Blood Meridian.
At 11:38am on June 15, 2007, Dave Zeltserman said…
Hey Jack, wouldn't know how to build something like this for RARA AVIS--I develop morte of the guts of systems--thinks like network management systems, as opposed to web applications--but then again, it would be a hell of a lot of work to have endless discussions about the definition of noir and whether the movie The Long Goodbye sucks or is a classic.
At 9:35am on June 13, 2007, TJ Perkins said…
Yup, way out there, but I'm looking to get even further away from the crowd. I like the quiet.
At 1:04am on June 12, 2007, Nikki Leigh said…
I'm up for a trip to the beach almost any time. One day I'll be at Hatteras when its snowing, although that doesn't seem to happen a lot :) I've been there several times in the winter, actually four wheeling up the beach to the lighthouse a few times and searching for shells with a jacket :)

Nikki Leigh
At 12:40am on June 12, 2007, Shirley Wells said…
"Yes, Cracker, one of the best crimes series ever."

Not sure about "one of the best", Jack. Hm. I'll try and think of a better one. A difficult task.
At 11:38pm on June 11, 2007, Tess G said…
Thanks for the add, Jack. I too either love a book or hate it. Usually no middle ground.
At 10:34pm on June 11, 2007, Dave Zeltserman said…
hey Jack, fancy meeting you here. Thanks for the invite. Still learning the ins and outs of this place...--Dave
At 5:48am on June 5, 2007, Angela Wilson said…
HAHA. YES, the world is wrong every time. I agree. =0)
At 3:38am on June 5, 2007, Angela Wilson said…
LUV the post "Confessions of a Hack."

It's amazing how many writers I've heard talk about their best work never getting anywhere. I wonder, is it like when you have this really great sentence or graph in a story/novel and you are just SO in love with it you can never part with it? The kind of phrase I've heard editors say you must immediately cut from the novel because you love it a little too much?

I don't know. I'm still in awe that you get your first draft done in a month. I feel like a dope now. I'm working a novel that's about six months in the making - with sporadic breaks for a move and a new job. That's totally awesome that you produce so quickly.

Thanks for the friend add, too. =0) Get in touch with me via email if you'd like to get your stuff reviewed at Pop Syndicate.

At 10:11pm on June 4, 2007, TJ Perkins said…
Thanks for adding me to your friend list.
At 1:49am on June 2, 2007, Penny Rudolph said…
Hey Jack, I'm out of town, so slow to respond. You sound like one heck of an interesting guy. Do you know Warren Murphy? (Destroyer series and much more) He's a good friend of mine and you sound a bit like him. Thanks for the invite and I'll write a little more when I get back to town.
At 1:06am on June 2, 2007, Shirley Wells said…
Hi, Jack, and thanks for the invite.
Hey, at least you have the luxury of thinking "This is terrific". For weeks, all I've had is the "This is crap" line of thinking.
At 10:47pm on June 1, 2007, Rosie Contreras said…
Hi Jack! Thank you for the invite! I look forward to getting to know you and the others on this space. - Rose

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