Patricia's Comments

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At 5:44pm on February 27, 2009, Jon Jordan said…
At 6:03am on February 13, 2008, Allan E. Ansorge said…
I love avid readers, without you what would I do....paint? naaaah.
At 2:34pm on October 4, 2007, Simon Wood said…
Thanks for the "Tony" comment...
At 5:00am on August 30, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Hey Patricia --- nice to see you found Clea. We all need more cat people right?

How did the bird feeder picture turn out? Better than mine?
At 9:28am on August 27, 2007, Clea Simon said…
Ah well, Malice is a great con but there were so many people at the 4MA lunch Dawn Dowdle organized that I didn't get to meet half of them. Do you get to any of the conventions? Next con I'm going to, I believe, is Murder in the Magic City (Feb., Birmingham, Alabama).
At 9:21am on August 27, 2007, Clea Simon said…
Hi Patricia! We must know each other from 4MA -- were you at the Malice lunch this year? Will have to check out the other sites you're on.
At 6:01am on August 27, 2007, Mary said…
Hi Patricia
Thanks for the invite. I am reasonably new to reading crime fiction - so I have some way to go to catch up with you.!
At 3:18am on August 27, 2007, Jim Barker said…
Thanks Patricia

I've been getting bored with RAM recently so I thought I's try over here. The fact that i became member Number 900 had a good deal in persuading me... :)

At 10:58am on August 23, 2007, Rosemary Harris said…
Hi Patricia,
Nice to meet you! I'm registered for almost all of the cons next year, so I hope I get to meet you. I blog with 3 other mystery writers at, stop by and say hello.
At 4:25am on August 23, 2007, Timothy Hallinan said…
Hi, Patricia --

Oh, if only there were 25 million other people who read the way you do. I could go to my signings in a chauffeured Rolls Royce instead of a battered Mazda.

At 1:10pm on August 22, 2007, Wendy B. said…
Hello, Patricia! It's nice to see someone else who is in Canada on here! :)
At 11:24am on August 18, 2007, Gary Warren Niebuhr said…
Hi, Pat: Good to hear from you. Heading to Alaska? Are you on the Bcon Standing Committee?
At 10:38am on August 18, 2007, Naomi Hirahara said…
Hi, Patricia! Thanks for the invite. Were you at the Toronto B'con? My friends and I had such a great time there.
At 10:34am on August 18, 2007, Karen from AustCrime said…
Hi Patricia - I've noticed you're back around - the babies are beautiful when they are asleep - awake, well they're a nightmare :)
At 2:29am on August 9, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Hey Patricia!
Jack is moonlight-bartending at his Crimespace site. Come have a drink!
At 12:16am on August 6, 2007, Rick Mofina said…
Hi Pat:
Thanks so much for the welcome. I appreciate hearing from readers who are expert in crime fiction.
Hope to chat more in the future. Now, it's back to writing!
At 9:10am on July 26, 2007, Cara Black said…
Nice to be your friend, Pat!
At 5:38am on July 26, 2007, Cara Black said…
Allo Pat, Nice to hear from you!
At 1:00pm on July 25, 2007, Jeremy Lynch said…
Hey Miz Pat...

Just thought I would say Hey.
At 4:17am on July 25, 2007, LC Fraser said…
For me it took me back to when a friend put a chair on his head to do his Bullwinkle imitation. In a restaurant. In Toronto. I wasn't even there but the story lives on.

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