Sandra Ruttan's Comments

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At 4:39am on April 7, 2007, Dennis Venter said…
Wait - that conversation took place days ago. Bummer, so much for first impressions.

Oh, and good luck with kicking the coke. I tried pepsi light once. Just didn't do it for me.
At 4:36am on April 7, 2007, Dennis Venter said…
Uh... sorry to interrupt the conversation, but just wanted to thank Sandra for the pal invitation. I'm flattered - been a lurker at a lot of the sites at which you post, Sandra. You frighten me. But in a good way.

So, uh...right. Carry on you two.
At 5:19am on March 29, 2007, LC Fraser said…
I don't expect mistakes - I highlight the hot parts so they are easy to find again (okay so I don't actually even own a red highlighter but it sounds like fun)
At 3:46am on March 29, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Highlight what in red? You think there are mistakes? Okay, just kidding. I have a list of things still filtering through my mind to look at in revision phase. Getting a second opinion helps me know if it's really important or a frivolous worry.
At 3:31am on March 29, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Oh cool. Yes please. Can I highlight in red like a friend of mine does (she makes authors cry though and I would not want to do that)?
At 3:04pm on March 28, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Oh, I meant the new manuscript, not SC...
At 3:00pm on March 28, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Hey I did read the manuscript - now I want to pick up a *real* copy to see if I can spot the changes. Okay so it isn't like my TBR is almost reaching the roof. Sometimes it is just fun --- like reading the same Nancy Drew title from different time periods (never could figure out why they changed the stories so very much)
At 1:15pm on March 28, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
I doubt they're carrying it. It's a long complicated tale that goes to distribution, discounts and dipsticks.

I was thinking about offering you the ms to read over, but then I wasn't sure if you'd want to read something raw and unedited.

And I'm honoured to be in anyone's favourite list territory, but especially yours, as you're very well read.

Damn, I was going to tell you something and it's gone right out of my head! Grrrrr!
At 12:38pm on March 28, 2007, LC Fraser said…
I remember well enough - drat that Carl for limiting us to five authors. I cannot even do five authors in a category. Plus I know I always leave out someone I meant to include - usually two or three someones. Every list I write is different. Oh well - you are certainly in favoured territory and I am looking forward to the next book. Must check with Sleuth to see if they have SC in yet. I asked Marion about it awhile ago.
At 9:40am on March 28, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Well if you don't remember saying it we'll pretend it never happened!

Yeah, motherhood is a life sentence. But if you're lucky eventually you get holiday passes and a bit more of your money goes into your own pocket.

Or so I'm told!
At 9:27am on March 28, 2007, LC Fraser said…
I seem to remember some rumour of motherhood being a lifetime sentence. Keep trying to figure out just how bad I was to get more than 20 years?

The Robert Munsch thing uses the same tune as the Turtles commercial used to I think.

I said something nice on 4MA? Okay. Of course I did.
At 8:11am on March 28, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Ha ha! For some reason your song has put 'Turtles turtles rah rah rah' in my head. I may have to look at Donna' page to decide if you're crazy or if Donna is!

I saw your mention on 4MA the other day, btw, which was very sweet of you.

And I have news. You're going to be a mother for a lot longer.
At 8:00am on March 28, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Oh I have been a mother too long. I am visualizing strange things on Donna's page (her dancing in costume and trying to carry a tune in a basket that she keeps dropping) and now I have a Robert Munsch song from a kid's book running through my head. "buttons, buttons, rah rah rah, buttons, buttons cha cha cha, oooo I love buttons" Aren't you sorry you know me now?
At 1:14pm on March 27, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Buttons, I guess. Never made much sense to me, except to hold it as a way to torment Kevin. ;)
At 1:09pm on March 27, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Colin mostly ignores what I read. He is too busy watching television (or rather flipping rapidly through stations to *see* what is on). What is it with the remote?
At 10:10am on March 27, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Huh. My husband makes fun of it sometimes. Depends on what I'm reading!
At 10:08am on March 27, 2007, LC Fraser said…
All the more for me to look forward to then. I am so glad no one censors my reading anymore.
At 6:59am on March 27, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Isn't that the truth? Well, my book is exceptionally inappropriate. ;)
At 6:47am on March 27, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Sadly off spring most often enjoy best that which is not appropriate. You want a kid to read just tell them that those books are not suitable. Works every time.
At 4:18am on March 27, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Well, this might not be appropriate for offspring, but if you want a laugh read this:

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