Sylvia Hubbard's Comments

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At 5:50am on October 29, 2009, RONALD FEASEL said…
that ppweb con was great
At 5:50am on October 29, 2009, RONALD FEASEL said…
At 10:15am on December 16, 2008, Vicki Holley said…
Thanks for the warm welcome, I'll be sure to pick up one of you books soon and check it out.
At 6:35am on November 30, 2008, R. Barri Flowers said…
Season's greetings, Sylvia:

Nice to hear from you, friend. I would be happy to join the Michigan writing groups.

Though living in the West, I am always a Detroiter at heart. :>)


At 2:43am on November 25, 2008, Harley L. Sachs said…
Hello back at you, Sylvia! Happy turkey day.
At 2:53pm on November 24, 2008, Clair Dickson said…
Yea for Michigan. We don't have much right now, but it's still the coolest shaped state ever. =)
At 7:24am on November 24, 2008, R. Barri Flowers said…
Hello, friend:

Thanks for the invite.

Hope life is good for you in the Motor City, in spite of the financial woes of the Big Three.

Keep up the writing!


At 6:22am on November 24, 2008, Robert K. Foster said…
Sylvia, I'm not very active currently in the crime/mystery fiction area but thank you for the invite. I'll try and keep you in mind for any future efforts I may undertake. Thanks, Bob.
At 3:26am on November 24, 2008, Michael P. Naughton said…
Hi Sylvia,

Cool to connect with you! I'm checking out your work.
At 1:36am on November 24, 2008, P.J. said…
I review for and for Crimespree magazine. Neither of them review self-published authors (that I know of). If you want me to read and comment on your books, those comments would be posted on, Crimespace, and/or Amazon. I'm very busy right now - I work one full-time job, have Dad Duty, and am in the middle of reading manscripts for the Malice Domestic contest, as well as my usual load of reading for review and for 2 publishers. SO . . . you won't be at the top of my TBR pile right now. You might want to take a look at some of my reviews on reviewingtheevidence - see if your writing and my taste match, and/or if you're willing to risk a negative review. I don't write many, but I do call them as I see them. I recommend RTE over Crimespree because RTE will publish negative reviews and Crimespree usually does not. And I have a lot more reviews on RTE, so you get a better idea of my reviewing style. I don't mean to be off-putting; I just want to be very upfront about my time availability, my style, etc. I do have a question or three for you - why do you want ME to look at your work? How did you find me? Would you drive up to West Branch to speak to a library group of writers and readers? Thank you. P.J.
At 9:07am on August 27, 2008, dennis marshall said…
just go to it will come up. would love to be there on the thirteenth, but already have a previous commitment. my church keeps me busy
At 1:19am on August 19, 2008, Bitten By Books said…
Hey there!

Thanks so much for stopping by. Looking forward to learning more about your work!

Have a great rest of the week.

Rachel - Paranormal Fiction Review Site
At 12:11pm on May 1, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Hi Sylvia, yes, 30Rock is such a funny show, isn't it? It's one of the only things I watch on TV that isn't newsy.
At 7:59am on April 15, 2007, Leann Sweeney said…
Sylvia, it's Leann from Writers Plot. We are only a month old in the blog business so we are trying to navigate this business, too. We figured a presence here and on MySpace was good--but though Lorna has set that up, I can't figure that place out. This site is a challenge, but I'm finally getting the hang of it. I say, just write the best essays you can! That's what I'm trying to do--sort of, the 'if you build it, they will come' approach. But I am a miserable marketer!! You figure out something, please share! Murderati is a mystery blog that is now a year old and they are a member here. Have you tried chatting on their page.
Leann, clueless in Houston
At 10:51pm on April 2, 2007, Sylvia Hubbard said…
If you come visit me, please knock on the door (leave a chatter) and let me know who you are. Kisses from Motown!
At 10:31pm on March 29, 2007, Evelyn David said…
Hi -
Thanks for the warm welcome!
If you like a touch of romance with your mystery, I think you'll like "Murder Off the Books." It's got a story to "die for," characters you'll love, humor to make you laugh out loud, and a nice touch of romance!
I see you like Ugly Betty - me too! Wonderful blend of humor and drama, with an incredible cast. Everyone tells me that Heroes is fantastic. I'm not normally one for sci-fi - should I give it a try??
Thanks again, Evelyn (please visit my web site,, for a sneak peek of the book)
At 2:08am on March 26, 2007, Angela Henry said…

Hi! Thanks for adding me as a friend. It's great to see you here too ; ).


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