Brianna Martini's Comments

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At 1:33am on May 18, 2007, Chris Redding said…
Thanks for friending me
At 4:37am on May 15, 2007, Maxine Schmidt said…
Thanks for the befirending Brianna. Are you old enough to remember "Edge of Night?" (Maybe it wasn't shown in Canada.) It was a mystery soap opera (in the days when they were only 15 min long) that came on about when I got home from school. I'd rush home to be able to watch it with my mom.
At 12:16am on May 15, 2007, sharon10010 said…
Thank you be-friending me! Hart to that brings back some awesome memories. Didn't they also do those groovy Kodak commercials? Loved 'em!
At 2:55pm on May 14, 2007, Amanda Stevens said…
Hi Brianna--Thanks for befriending me. I love those old TV shows, too. I'll go back even more years and admit to loving It Takes a Thief.
At 1:43pm on May 14, 2007, LaTanya Pattillo said…
Anyone who loves Hart to Hart is a friend of mine. Thanks for the invite.
At 10:08am on May 14, 2007, Brianna Martini said…
Hello everyone,
hehe the lady pirate is my book cover not moi.
At 8:12am on May 14, 2007, Penny Rudolph said…
Hi Brianna,
Thanks for adding me. I love to cook, too. I'll have to take a look at your cookbook.
At 7:39am on May 14, 2007, Karyn J. Powers said…
Hi Brianna, thanks for the invite. How come I never look like your picture when I'm cooking in the kitchen (or any other room for that matter.)
At 7:34am on May 14, 2007, Bill Peschel said…
Thanks for the invite. I see from your site you'll fit in well around here.
At 7:11am on May 14, 2007, Laura Benedict said…
Nice to meet you, Brianna!
At 6:52am on May 14, 2007, Lynette Hall Hampton said…
Thanks for adding me. You're going to enjoy this place.
At 5:15am on May 14, 2007, Yang-May Ooi said…
Thanks for adding me. I'd forgotten how great a show MacMillan & Wife was. For some reason, I've always remembered the episode where Susan St James is kidnapped and she gives a hint of her location which smells of fish by telling Rock Hudson about their first date at a fish restaurant.
At 4:14am on May 14, 2007, Lois Reibach said…
Thanks for the invite!
At 4:04am on May 14, 2007, Robin Burcell said…
Okay, I so want your avatar! Thanks for the invite!
At 2:39am on May 14, 2007, Bill Mehlman said…
Thanks, Brianna. Looks like you've got it covered: mysteries, cooking, erotica. Batting 1.000.
At 2:09am on May 14, 2007, Grant McKenzie said…
Ahar me hearty, thanks for the invite. Is that a ticking clock, me hears?
At 1:40am on May 14, 2007, James Oswald said…
Happy to have be your friend, Brianna. What a friendly place this is!
At 1:08am on May 14, 2007, HappyRuby said…
Thanks for the invite. I love cookbooks.

Happy Ruby
At 1:07am on May 14, 2007, Debbie Behrens said…
Hi, Brianna, Thanks for the invite!

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