Thanks for adding me as a friend. I think we do have similar taste. Love Ed McBain. Worked at a literary agency where Evan Hunter was one of our clients and fell in love with the 87th Precinct Series. Looking forward to chatting with you more.
Thanks. I think MCSmith is a nice enough reason for people to meet. Putin should meet someone to, someone like arkady to really talk russian things through. - have you read anything lately that even comes close? me i had my nose down in marcus Sakeys The Blade Itself. Great! - I see amazon already mentions him with the next one.
Hi Christa! I don't know if you'll remember me, but you interviewed me for an article for Law Enforcement Technology Magazine a while back. Nice to see you here on CrimeSpace!
thank you, Christa. what you say is right. even if you love something you can over do it. i agree. i just got really gung ho on my novel lately and probably started to work too much. see, for the past year i've been trying one story line after another and nothing. so i got a little too enthused. thanks for your post. i mean that.
Brian and Rosemary - thanks! Rosemary, that's so funny that your novel and my flash have the same title. Congrats on the publication! I wish we could tour together but I don't even have an agent yet. Plus I write solidly noir so I probably wouldn't help your sales, LOL. Maybe we'll meet at a con someday, though?
Brian, I think "You Know I'm No Good" sounds like Madeleine Peyroux got trashed after a bad breakup and started singing about it in some dive downtown. ;) I love Amy's sound. Motown noir. Very unique.
Another Amy Winehouse fan, I see. I've got her video for "Back to Black" on my page. Great discussion you're fostering about the sense of place, by the way.
Holy Cow. I just read your story, Pushing Up Daisies. Definitely creepy. My cozy, Pushing Up Daisies is coming out Feb 2008, from St Martins Minotaur. Also kind of creepy..maybe we should tour together
Hi Christa, Thanks for the invite! And as far as that whole diaper changing and kid thing? Just keep telling yourself: this too shall pass. And then when your kid is 16 and sassing at you, you can say, yeah, well, see that book there? I wrote it, *and* I changed your diapers.
Not that it will do you any good whatsoever, then or now. Unfortunately I know this for a fact. ;-)
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Thanks. I would love to read some of your texts in Police Facebook.
Thanks for the invite!
Brian, I think "You Know I'm No Good" sounds like Madeleine Peyroux got trashed after a bad breakup and started singing about it in some dive downtown. ;) I love Amy's sound. Motown noir. Very unique.
Not that it will do you any good whatsoever, then or now. Unfortunately I know this for a fact. ;-)
You mentioned a 3 1/2 year old and 4 month. Love those ages! Mine are 6 yrs and 3 1/2 years. Keeps me running!
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