Cornelia Read's Comments

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At 11:30am on March 24, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
That's means you written something powerful.
That's what I tell myself about THE SEX CLUB, which
is also a love it or hate it story. Beats the heck out being "okay."
At 10:47am on March 24, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi Cornelia
I just wanted to introduce myself because I've heard such great things about your work. I'm looking forward to reading The Crazy School. The DLs seem to love it.
At 11:43am on December 31, 2007, Brian Thornton said…
Great to hear from you, Cornelia, thanks for making me a friend, and what a terrific Dead Kennedys video! I'm still looking for a decent one of "Too Drunk To F*ck." Also, a close Latin translation for "Never A Dull Moment" would read something like this: "Nunquam Minuta Plumbeus." Happy New Year!
At 10:34am on November 26, 2007, David L. Hoof said…
Finished A Field of Darkness under A Field of Light (SAD light, 30 min daily). It has marvelous strengths and some weaknesses. As I taught creative writing at Georgetown University and put nine students into novels, books, production in theater and movies, you might want to get my impressions. Or not. Up to you. Generally there are two kinds of readers who will start and stay with a story: those who take time and those who make time. In the first set there are those who pick up the book when an opportunity presents. These are less likely to finish than those who make time, who have a specific time during their daily routine for reading and stay with it. In the age of X box both are rare, but still persistent enough to keep you in print. Let me know if you'd like some insights. I note much of Shakespeare's approach in A Field, whether you realized it or not. You could do worse.

At 7:21am on October 6, 2007, Barbara Fister said…
Hi - really looking forward to the Crazy School. I loved your voice in Field of Darkness. Totally won me over though I generally Have Issues with wealthy, clever deb types.
At 8:26am on September 10, 2007, Bruce Grossman said…
Cornelia did that musical error in the book get fixed for the paperback.
At 7:32am on August 17, 2007, Bethany K. Warner said…
Send me a message and I'll get you in my author interview line up. Thanks!
At 7:18am on August 17, 2007, carole gill said…
Hi, pleasure! how are you?
At 3:47am on August 13, 2007, David L. Hoof said…
Is there a cyberspace equivalent of a black hole? If so, my last comments to you are either forever gone or hovering at the event horizon, waiting to be sucked in. Let me try again. Prompted by the Edgar nod and the neat ad in Mystery Scene, I've ordered an hc (hard copy) of A Field of Darkness, and will probably recommend it to my former writing students at Georgetown.
All The Best,

At 8:19am on August 12, 2007, Janet Reid said…
Thanks for the invite. Kristen Weber told me about Field of Darkness several years back, said you were a really good writer. As usual, she's right!
At 10:18pm on July 28, 2007, Gumshoe Carl said…
Hi Cornelia--I just finished Field of Darkness and am kicking myself for waiting so long. You did a wonderful job and I'm looking forward to reading The Crazy School.
At 11:23pm on July 27, 2007, Laura Benedict said…
Congratulations on the Best First Novel Anthony nomination, Cornelia! It's a terrific accomplishment--Well done! Blessings--Laura
At 3:09pm on July 3, 2007, Kathryn Lilley said…
"badly garbled assembly instructions written by persons for whom English is not the language of choice". Lol! In my "day job", I am an editor for those who write those instructions. It's an ongoing challenge!
At 11:25am on June 27, 2007, Otis Twelve said…
Okay, so the comment on Sarah's blog about Guthrie was pure brown nose. I'm obligated - by contract - to fluff his ego. The suck up to you was completely free-will.
At 11:08am on May 17, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
It's too quiet around here ... WAKE UP EVERYONE!!!!
At 12:18pm on March 31, 2007, Nancy Martin said…
Cornelia, you have the best graphics. When I read Naked Authors, I often crack up over the photos and whatnot. You have a gift. How about a graphic novel, girlfriend?
At 6:57am on March 22, 2007, Clair Lamb said…
Hey Cornelia -- getting a friend request from you made me feel cooler than I've ever been...
At 3:58am on March 14, 2007, Angie said…

That's it. Just a drive-by howdy & a belated happy b-day.

At 2:36am on March 14, 2007, Charles A. King said…
Hi. ... Lunch? Chesters? Someday soon?
At 3:37pm on March 9, 2007, Cornelia Read said…
Thank you Nikki, it was wonderful.

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