Daniel Hatadi's Comments

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At 2:08am on April 20, 2007, Lesa Holstine said…
Thanks for the invitation, Daniel. I've enjoyed my short time here. And the new format of the Forums looks great.
At 3:24pm on April 19, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
Thank you kindly, people. And Gumshoe, I've had a steady influx of about 5-10 every day since I started it. It doesn't look like it's slowing down, either! Help me, somebody help me, slap me, stop me from going insane!

Okay. I'm calm now.
At 10:29am on April 15, 2007, Gina Robertson said…
This is brilliant Daniel! thanks so much.
At 10:17pm on April 13, 2007, Gumshoe Carl said…
Daniel, you have done a great job creating Crimespace. Get ready for an influx in members as the word gets out there about this increidble site. Congratulations and thanks!
At 9:03am on April 13, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
Woah, I've been watching for that!

*cracks open the bubbly*
At 6:45am on April 13, 2007, Meredith Anthony said…
Daniel-- Congratulations! I notice that Crimespace now has 500 members! Let's celebrate!
At 4:32pm on April 11, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
Thank you, all. Patti, I think all those spiders have already moved into my backyard, so you should be safe.
At 4:30pm on April 11, 2007, Brian Kavanagh said…
Daniel. Excellent site and many thanks to you for creating it! Cheers.
At 1:37am on April 11, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Daniel, you have done a magnificent job. If I can manage the site, its design is brilliant. Thank you also for the friendliness.
All those lovely little messages from nice people wanting to be my friend turned a very nasty day into a pleasant one. (I hate rejections).
At 10:14am on April 10, 2007, Patti McCoy Jacob said…
Hey Daniel - A friend of mine, originally from Canada, has lived in Sydney for the past 15 years and is the head of (I believe) the math department at the university in Melbourne. She swears by your country. In a good way. A very good way. Someday, we'll get there. Do me a favor before we do, though, okay? If you could somehow corral all the spiders and snakes to one part of your island/country/continent before we arrive, I would be most appreciative.

Thank you,
Darth Patti
At 12:31pm on April 9, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
Leann: you're turning into quite a shapeshifter. Luckily I have cats and can empathise. :)

Dennis: our couch is a little small, but I'm looking into getting a bigger one, just for you.

LC: thank you, and I'm already looking into it, just waiting for some upcoming Ning features to be implemented.

Mary: Sniff, sniff is true. I've taken to watching Deadwood and Battlestar Galactica at the same time, just to replicate some of the feel of Firefly. :)
At 11:54am on April 9, 2007, Mary Saums said…
Thanks for the great site, Daniel. I'm also a Carnivale and Firefly fan. (sniff, sniff) Cheers!
At 5:11am on April 9, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Hi Daniel,
More time I spend here the better I like it. Still would be nice to see a listing of the authors on here so we can check out the one who are new or at least new to us? Don't you just love Canadians who think up make work projects? Happy Easter or Passover or just happy long weekend
At 5:24pm on April 7, 2007, Dennis Venter said…
Mr H, thanks for this place. If I go bankrupt ordering the books of all the writers here, I'm coming to camp on your couch, bro.
At 1:09pm on April 6, 2007, Leann Sweeney said…
It's called a disguise. :-)

At 11:20am on April 5, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
Thank you, all. Glad you're having fun with it, because that's what it's all about. Fun. And monkeys.
At 11:16am on April 5, 2007, Patricia said…
Thanks for doing this Daniel...great idea.
At 2:51am on April 5, 2007, Laura Benedict said…
100,000 views! Woo-Hoo! Congrats on a wild success, Daniel!
At 2:05am on April 5, 2007, CT said…
G'day from Melbourne, Daniel. Thanks for making it possible for me to be here.
At 11:42pm on April 4, 2007, Charlie Williams said…
Actually it's Kerouac's two younger brothers - Jimbob and Shitboy.

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