hi --yes, that was a long time ago. I trst you're well etc. I've been slowed down, WAY down. by a broken right elbow. Typing left hand only so not very prolific right now.
Hi, Dianne,
Remember me? I'm Lo Monaco and I used to correspond with you from Italy. I lost track of you and just found you again today. I've been back in CA since 2002. I'm really glad I found you again. =)
Hi Lois. I got tired of the snarking on DL. Seemed to me like everybody had lost their sense of humor. It's nice to see you here, and thanks for the kind words.
It's good to see you online again. I was sad when you left DorothyL because you were the first author I ever got a personal email from, and I loved your books. Hope you are healthy.
Amanda, I don't think the Fremont Jones books are still in print, are they? Anyway, thanks for the memories. For the record -- I don't think she's keeping it a secret -- when Amanda was at Bantam she was one of my Fremont Jones editors, and truth is, she was the best editor I ever had. I was very sorry to see her leave, though I totally understood why she did.
I'll chatter back! I love finding old friends online. So much fun to see you again here...even as an owl. I still recommend Fremont Jones to anyone needing a good mystery.
We used to have a huge snowowl that would be sighted in our neighborhood. Was around for many years. Saw it myself a couple of times. This is in the inner city, but we are very close to the Mississippi so figure it was hunting around there.
Owls rule. Maybe once I decide to grow up, I can acquire some owl type wisdom.
Andrea, Children of Men wasn't ever typical of any of the rest of PD James's books, and I'm sure once she sold it to the movies she lost control. I haven't decided whether or not go rent the DVD. I wish I lived in the woods! I have a patch of them quite near my house, can see from the window, but I'm out where the developer put the houses.
I wanted to check out your page because owls are underestimated. I live in the woods and they are fierce, melodious and wonderful.
I do have to say I used to like P.D. James quite a bit but I recently saw a film version of Children of Men and found it scattered and unsettling. We really would have preferred a different movie at the end of the day.
Gee, retirement, something I'll never know. I hope you are enjoying yours.
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Remember me? I'm Lo Monaco and I used to correspond with you from Italy. I lost track of you and just found you again today. I've been back in CA since 2002. I'm really glad I found you again. =)
Nikki Leigh
Owls rule. Maybe once I decide to grow up, I can acquire some owl type wisdom.
Rose, Owl Fans Rock!
And Sparkle, it is WONDERFUL to see you!
I do have to say I used to like P.D. James quite a bit but I recently saw a film version of Children of Men and found it scattered and unsettling. We really would have preferred a different movie at the end of the day.
Gee, retirement, something I'll never know. I hope you are enjoying yours.
I am an owl fan from way back.
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