Beth Walker's Comments

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At 6:35am on July 9, 2007, Anne Frasier said…
hi beth! just saw your comment on my blog -- from about 6 weeks ago! yikes. i think i was in the middle of moving at that time, but still don't know how i missed it!

At 1:29am on June 12, 2007, Rhys Bowen said…
Thanks for your kind words about the Evan series.
The Royal Spyness is intented to be fun, witty and light. Too much gloom in the world right now!
At 8:51pm on June 11, 2007, Shirley Wells said…
Hi Beth, and thanks for the invite. Fascinated to see that when you're not writing or reading, you're working in a book shop - wow! Good luck with getting your writing published. Keep the faith!
At 8:27am on May 31, 2007, Pari Noskin Taichert said…
Yes, the chiles definitely rock. I was so happy when I took this picture. Every time I see it I grin.
At 4:28pm on May 25, 2007, Beth Ann Allen said…
I'm always pleased to meet another Beth. Thank you.
At 7:30am on May 25, 2007, Lyn LeJeune said…
When I was growing up in New Olreans, I'd take the city bus from Araby in St. Bernard Parish into downtown NOLA. It took three transfers, pass graveyards and schools and shotgun houses. Finally I arrived at my sanctuary, the public library. The first time I was about twelve. I ran my hands over the books and selected a corner where I could hide and read. The first book I settled on was by a man named William Faulkner, and the title was The Sound and the Fury. I'd never heard of him, but it looked fine. I opened the book, sat on the floor near a window that overlooked the circle and I heard a whisper. "We are each in our ordered place." Now would you believe that "each in its ordered place" is the last line of The Sound and the Fury? Twisted childhood memory or the ghost of Faulkner? See my blog where I just posted one of my stories from the short story collection called "Each in its Ordered Place," in addition to excerpts from my book coming out in October. Best wishes...
At 1:03pm on May 24, 2007, Jon McGoran as D. H. Dublin said…
Hey Beth,
Thanks again for the invite. I hope you like the book. The second in the series comes out in September (Blood Poison).
I've read and enjoyed a bunch of your posts. I wish I could get it together to be more involved in blogging, etc.
Keep in touch!
At 1:40pm on May 22, 2007, Leigh Redhead said…
Hi Beth, thanks for inviting me and man, I know all about the bumps on the writing road!
At 2:01pm on May 21, 2007, Debbie Behrens said…
Hi, Beth, thanks for the invite. I didn't know about the Crossing Jordan I'm sad.
At 12:36am on May 21, 2007, Amanda Stevens said…
Hi Beth--Thanks for befriending me. Always happy to meet another book freak. Sorry to hear about Crossing Jordan. I feel your pain. I'm still mourning The X-Files.
At 12:31am on May 21, 2007, Charles Kelly said…
Hi, Beth. I'm a big fan of Scottish and Irish ballads. Sounds like you are a Scotland enthusiast, too.
At 7:01pm on May 20, 2007, Ray Baisden said…
Hello, Beth. A pleasure to meet you. Thanks for the invitation. Here's hoping we get to know each other at least a bit better.
At 9:39am on May 20, 2007, Beth Walker said…
Hi Ruby, Penny, Robin, Suzanne, Linda and Anne.

Ruby, what can I say...I'm a complex beast. lol.

It's nice to meet you, too, Penny.

Robin--great, another Pirates fan! Can't wait to see Keith Richards and Johnny Depp on the big screen.

Hello Suzanne -- Well, at least we have CJ reruns on A&E!

Lynda--office supply stores should be illegal! Definitely have to leave the credit cards at home when I go!

Anne--Thank you for stopping by and you are most welcome for the comments.

Have a great weekend everyone. :-)
At 7:13am on May 20, 2007, HappyRuby said…
Thanks for the invite. Sounds like you have a lot of varied interests.

At 1:44am on May 19, 2007, Penny Rudolph said…
Hi Beth,
Thanks so much for the invite. An aspiring writer who reads cozies and thrillers is a nice person to meet. Best of luck with the aspiring part.
At 9:58am on May 18, 2007, Robin Burcell said…
Beth, thanks for the invite! Race you to the theater on Friday for Pirates III.
At 11:41am on May 17, 2007, Lynda Fitzgerald said…
I don't dare go to an office supply store with a credit card. Even if I don't need a thing, even if I'm shopping with someone else, I'll walk out with a bag full of stuff. I have entire drawers in my desk (and one cabinet shelf) full of pens. What is it about pens?
At 11:36am on May 17, 2007, Anne Frasier said…
hi beth!

thanks for the nice comment you left at my joint. :)
At 11:13am on May 17, 2007, Beth Walker said…
Thanks everyone, for stopping by to say hello. I"m working to catch up and visit your page, too!
At 9:22am on April 1, 2007, Beth Walker said…
Hi Angie. my "painting" is a Photoshop creation. Love photoshop. As for myself, and books that have kept me guessing to the end, I just finished a non-mystery (though it has mystery elements) an old book called BACK BAY by William Martin. This book kept me up allll night long. It involves several generations of people and a stolen tea service made by Paul Revere. Excellent book!

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