Kate Pepper's Comments

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At 2:19pm on September 11, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi Kate
I know what you mean about crime writing being "too serious" sometimes. So I lighten up by writing and performing stand-up comedy.
At 5:58pm on November 29, 2007, jur said…
Hi Kate,

you are right! found them... if you want to see them click here: http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_ss_w?__mk_de_DE=%C5M%C5Z%D5%D1&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=kate+pepper&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&Go=Go

thanks for your reply!!! Jan
At 4:15am on November 29, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Hi Jan! Nice to hear from you. To answer your question, YES, my books are published in German by Rowohlt and should be easy to find.
At 8:17pm on November 28, 2007, jur said…
Hey Kate, are your books published in Germany or Switzerland as well??? Or just the english-copies from the US/UK???

kind regards, Jan

ps: pleeeease Kate, become my friend!!! ;-)
At 7:41am on November 27, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Hi Allan...my books are published by NAL (New American Library) which is part of Penguin Group. They're widely available, especially online at all the major retailers. Thanks for asking! And nice to hear from you...
At 8:38am on November 26, 2007, Allan E. Ansorge said…
Kate who published your book? I can't find it here.
At 12:54am on September 12, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Thanks, Mary!
At 6:08pm on September 11, 2007, Mary Elwood said…
Hiya! Love your books...your first one was my absolute favorite..just finished Here She Lies and the ending absolutely blew me away! I am looking forward to your next book already!
At 2:34am on August 4, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Hi Joe, it was very nice to meet you, too!
At 10:39am on July 21, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Hi William. It was nice meeting you last weekend at Thrillerfest! Thanks so much for your kind words about HERE SHE LIES. As I said before, I wish I'd met you while I was researching it...I would have picked your brain.
At 8:59am on July 21, 2007, William Simon said…
Kate - we met briefly last week at ThrillerFest. Just a note to tell you HERE SHE LIES knocked me out of my chair! Anything remotely related to computer crime gets my attention, but you really spun a web..:) I absolutely loved it!
At 10:29am on May 22, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Hi Maryann. Welcome!

And to Lois, a belated reponse: I think that 'domestic suspense' means, basically, a thriller based on the premise of an extraordinary challenge to someone with an ordinary life.
At 9:06am on May 22, 2007, Maryann Miller said…
Thanks for the invite to join your circle of friends. Took me a while to respond, but it has been a BUSY two weeks for me with work, rehearsals for a play I'm in, and rehearsals for a drama workshop I coordinated at the local art center. I need a vacation!! I will check out your books as we are getting low on reading material around here.
At 12:47am on May 21, 2007, Lois Karlin said…
Kate, there's a Sisters In Crime discussion going on about genre. I mentioned your novels as 'hitchcock-like'...representing domestic thriller. But what makes them different from 'domestic suspense'...and what are some examples of domestic suspense, if you know them?
At 7:25am on May 13, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Hope you like it, Petra...
At 12:25pm on May 7, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Hi Lois. Nice to 'see' you again! It's always nice to have met someone in person before cyber-meeting, just to keep it feeling real.
At 11:23pm on May 6, 2007, Lois Karlin said…
Hi Kate...I met you last week at the Edgar Symposium. I sat behind you (hair's a different shade if that throws you) between two friends, all of us newbies. I was intrigued by your description of your books as 'domestic thrillers' - did I get that right? Now that I've bumped into you again and see your titles, I'll go and find one.
At 12:56am on May 6, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Hi Elaine. Yup, I'll be at ThrillerFest. See ya there.
At 3:47pm on May 5, 2007, Elaine Flinn said…
Hi, Kate!
I hit the wrong box when I got your notice! So thanks for the invite and I'd LOVE to be your for a friend. Going to ThrillerFest this year? I'll be in the bar. Naturally.
At 10:53am on May 2, 2007, Kate Pepper said…
Glad you saw the piece in Mystery Scene, John; thanks for mentioning it. Though the subject still makes my heart ache.

Laine, how did a NYC gal ever taste a moonpie in the first place? Once, during my last office job ever, a long long time ago, a co-worker returned from a business trip with moonpies for all! That's when I got hooked.

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