Peg Herring's Comments

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At 1:36am on June 23, 2010, Copper Smith said…
Thanks for the friendship!
Check out We Can't Dance Together at A Twist of Noir!
(based on that Steely Dan song you've had stuck in your head since 1980)
At 9:11am on April 3, 2010, Stacy said…
Good luck with the book! I am sure it will do great!

Best Wishes!
At 7:35am on January 6, 2010, Reece Hirsch said…
Hi Peg -- Based upon my research regarding the Russian mafiya, that is definitely a good thing. Best, Reece
At 1:29am on December 25, 2009, Diane A.S. Stuckart said…
Have a lovely Christmas, yourself! Hope to run across you soon! :)
At 5:18am on September 3, 2009, Monique said…
Please add me to the list for the book drawing. Sounds like a great series!
At 6:52pm on August 30, 2009, Lisa Richardson said…
I'd love to read the first of hopefully many in a new series! Please throw my name in the hat!
At 12:50pm on August 30, 2009, Helen Kiker said…
Please add me to the list for the book drawing.
At 11:44am on August 30, 2009, Penny Tuttle said…
I'm a huge historical mystery fan and would love to win an ARC of HER HIGHNESS' FIRST MURDER - please add my name to the hat!! Thank you.
At 10:51am on August 30, 2009, HappyRuby said…
Your book sounds exciting. Put my name in the hat.
At 3:30pm on August 29, 2009, janimar said…
I love the Tudors and would love to read your new book.
At 8:37am on August 29, 2009, Larry W. Chavis said…
Hi Peg, I'd like the book.
At 10:26am on January 11, 2009, Margaret Palmer said…
Hey Peg, I have started working on my book. I have 13 chapters written and working on my 14th. It's really going well. I saw the Malice contest, but I don't think I'll finish in time. If you want to take a peek, the link is . Thanks for the friendship.
At 5:00am on December 22, 2008, Sheri Fresonke Harper said…
I hope you have a merry Christmas and happy holiday season :) Sheri
At 2:55am on October 29, 2008, Beth Groundwater said…
Thanks for befriending this fellow mystery author, Peg, and I'll see you in Indianapolis for Bouchercon/mini-Magna next fall, if not sooner!
At 6:07am on September 15, 2008, Tony Burton said…
Hey, Peg! SO glad to have you as part of the Dying In a Winter Wonderland team. We're going to slam-dunk the goal this year, I'll wager!
At 5:29am on September 15, 2008, Allan E. Ansorge said…
Are you near the Wi. boarder and would you be interested in a co-signing for "Dying"?
At 4:28pm on June 25, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Interesting post. I'm currently editing a behavior management text book for an educator who believes in never giving up on any student, that every student can be reached if you try enough variables. It's a nice idea, but I think you're closer to the truth of it.
At 10:24pm on June 11, 2008, Austin S. Camacho said…
Hi, Peg, and thanks for the add! I'll be watching your blog!
At 3:29pm on February 8, 2008, Geoff McGeachin said…
Hi Peg,
Read the Learning Curve post and immediately recognised that particular precipice. Then I read your other posts and your website and thought 'I should friend this person.' In reality I should befriend this person but I guess we are all now trapped in blogspeak. The whole 'we published it, now you sell it' thing is a bit of a shocker. Something I found very helpful was put together by a bloke named Ian Irvine - I was a bit grumpy that I didn't discover it until after my first book came out.
At 6:43am on January 12, 2008, Bethany K. Warner said…
Historical romance is fine with me.
I'll get you on the roster for a future interview.

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