Robert Fate's Comments

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At 3:05pm on April 12, 2009, LC Fraser said…
Haven't heard boo from you in ages on any of my trustworthy lists - hope this means you are tied to your desk writing the next book!
At 2:22pm on September 11, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Just stopping by to introduce myself. I have read so many great reviews for your series. Can't wait to dig into it.
At 3:34pm on July 2, 2008, Michael P. Naughton said…
My wife and I met you at BEA. Congrats on all your success! I just published my first offbeat mystery novel: Deathryde: Rebel Without a Corpse. I invite you to check it out.
At 6:23am on December 15, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Hi Bob,
Yeah - this was posted to lists yesterday and I was thrilled to see it. You were such a doll to my sister last year when she was sick. As for how I found the mention of Serenity? No clue. I just find all sorts of stuff on Google. Type in a name and then see what you find and type in what you find and see where that takes you - great when researching Wedgwood.
At 2:47am on December 15, 2007, Robert Fate said…
You are a wonder, ms. Fraser. I wouldn't know where to look to learn that I worked on Serenity. Good news - yesterday on December, 2007
Film rights
Robert Fate's BABY SHARK, Anthony Award nominee for Best original paperback novel, optioned to Brad Wyman (Monster) at Junction Films, in a nice deal, by Janet Reid at FinePrint Literary Management.
So, speaking of waiting - it will be a year or so, but it's fun to know the movie is on its way.
Happy holidays to you guys, Best, Bob
At 12:06pm on December 14, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Okay so I am thrilled for you, of course. Lovely news to hear. Then I am telling my friend how excited I am and trying to find something online about your work with movies and stumble across the fact that you worked on Serenity! Colin and I loved that movie (like the series too) and Colin makes models too - only his are military historical figures. So I am stunned and impressed and very chuffed to be counted as your e-friend (although that pleased me without knowing anything about Serenity)
At 9:47am on December 11, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Great! Now I just have to wait for it to be published. Sleuth is wonderful about getting stuff in fast at least.

Good to hear from you! Happy Holidays!
At 7:44am on December 11, 2007, LC Fraser said…
How goes the next book? Have not heard a Boo out of you on any of the lists for awhile.
At 3:26pm on November 16, 2007, Wolf Wootan said…
Bob: I finally got around to "Beaumont Blues" and absolutely loved it. I was wondering how you were going to segue into Kristen being a PI, but it worked quite well. Some may say the body count is high, but that's my kind of book!! May you have great success with this book, too. Wolf
At 3:47pm on August 27, 2007, Wolf Wootan said…
Bob: Congrats on the Anthony nomination. Good luck. I just finished Baby Shark and it was a tour de force. Liked it immensely. I hadn't intended to read it right now, but certain events made me change my mind. I don't think I should discuss those reasons in this public forum, so if you'd like, I can do it offline. Let me know. Ciao, Wolf
At 2:34am on July 31, 2007, Robert Fate said…
Jackson - To be honest, I didn't know how cool this place was until I saw your face pop up. Front Page Jackie is my nickname for you these days. Congrats to you, getting your stuff on the front page of a big city newspaper. Will I see you at Bouchercon?
At 11:01am on July 30, 2007, Jackie Houchin said…
Thanks, Bob! This is a cool spot. I was glad to see you among the notables of MWA and Sisters. Congrats for the Anthony nomination as well! way to go.
At 9:01am on July 30, 2007, Linda Ladd said…
Well, I tell you one thing, Robert, I can't wait to meet Kristin, the Baby Shark! Or you, either, for that matter. ;)

Thanks for the encouragement. It's really nice to meet you, and I hope we'll meet in person at one of those conferences I keep hearing about. I think I need to get out of my house, quit being so reclusive and join up. But aren't all writers just a little bit reclusive?
At 5:19am on July 30, 2007, Robert Fate said…
You, my lovely lady, do a very classy shout out. Thank you for your good wishes. My warmest best to you, Bob
At 1:13pm on July 29, 2007, Gayle Bartos-Pool said…
Robert, Old Bean, Your Baby Shark books are marvelous, your characters memorable, the setting so vivid. I am in awe of your considerable talent. And you have an Oscar and can cook. A Man for All Seasons. Best of luck on the Anthony.
At 1:26am on July 28, 2007, Robert Fate said…
Thanks, Benedict. It will be a pleasure to see you in the north country. Of course, the way you get around, I will probably see you twelve other places between now and then. Travel safely, Jet Setter.
At 11:47pm on July 27, 2007, Laura Benedict said…
Hey, Robert. I just read about your Anthony nomination for BABY SHARK. YAY for you! That's terrific news! I look forward to being at the ceremony in Anchorage!
At 5:19am on July 27, 2007, Krystal Waters said…
Thank you Robert for adding me. I look forward to learning more about you and reading your work.
At 1:36am on July 27, 2007, Robert Fate said…
The pleasure was mine, Robin. Good luck with your new series. b
At 12:24pm on July 26, 2007, Robin Burcell said…
Very good to meet you at Thrillerfest, Robert!

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