Simon Wood's Comments

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At 5:24am on September 25, 2008, Linda Brown said…
Hey, who wouldn't want to hold Fiona's hand? Might be safer to hold both of 'em, however.
At 9:43pm on September 15, 2008, Patricia Abbott said…
Hi Simon-A short description of a book you deem unjustly forgotten or neglected. It can be just a few sentences or more lengthy-whatever feels right to you. I'll post it on my blog the Friday after you send it. My email is
Love to have you participate if you have the time. You can see examples at
At 11:59pm on July 12, 2008, Patricia Abbott said…
Hi Simon-Wondered if you'd be willing to write about a favorite "forgotten" book for my blog project in August. You can find the last three months worth at
If it's not your thing, I understand. Thanks, Patti
At 3:37am on June 16, 2008, Elizabeth Zelvin said…
Hi Simon! Janet Rudolph just announced our At Home in Berkeley on June 23. I look forward to meeting you f2f. :) Liz
At 4:26am on May 18, 2008, Lee Weeks said…
Hi Simon
you sound really interesting. thanks for inviting me to be a friend would like to accept. am going through a manic patch right now with the second book deadline looming next month and crimefest in the UK, but please break my routine and drop me a message at will.
At 3:09pm on March 13, 2008, Daniel Hatadi said…
Thanks man!
At 5:03pm on February 28, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Maybe it's time to revisit some stories from the past.
I almost forgot to put Rex Stout on my list too.
It's probably the late hour at which I find time to get on this site!
At 4:51pm on February 28, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Congratulations on your publishing contracts!
I also enjoyed James Cain, but forgot about him until seeing your list.
At 4:31am on January 11, 2008, Bill Cameron said…
Thanks, Simon! See ya in Denver!
At 2:13am on November 15, 2007, Bill Cameron said…
Is that where you're hiding the photos? ;)
At 6:13am on October 31, 2007, ed goldberg said…
Hi, and happy to be your friend.
At 4:22pm on October 29, 2007, Karen J. Laubenstein said…
Hi Simon! Wondering how life's continuing to change for you (so much in so little time - citizenship, retiring from day jobs to be a full-time author, etc., etc.) and you're jetsetting around for all these conferences??? I downloaded more of the short shorts on the eBook, but have Diana Gabaldon's on there and it might be awhile before I can read something else. Also saw that you're getting a new site set up on your name domain and that's great! Will Paying the Piper also be available as an eBook?
At 7:48am on October 25, 2007, Patty G. Henderson said…
Greetings, Simon. This is so different from MySpace! LOL. Good to find you here..
At 8:08am on October 19, 2007, Carola Dunn said…
Hi, Simon,
I'm heading to Calif next week--I hope I-5 through the Tehachapis will be clear by the time I get there! And could you please call up some nice cool weather in the valley for my drive home beginning of Nov?
At 3:27pm on October 12, 2007, Karen J. Laubenstein said…
Hey Simon, looks like you survived the GOH at Silicon?! Your Anthony award pic has been in demand -- stay tuned to see it soon in several published venues. And yeah, we're still in recovery mode. Just got back from Homer on Monday. The Kenai Natl Wildlife Refuge bought almost all of Jessica's books and were thrilled we brought her by. I've been finding out how to describe a moose-trampled body from the local Fish and Game moose expert, so the MOOSE MURDERS is progressing at a great rate this week now that I could work on it. Life hasn't slowed down yet, but it's gotten much colder! And my dog has moved East -- NY no less! Jessica Speart took her home (permanently) and so no foot warmer with the Alaskan temps dipping down into the 20's and high teens. Had snow that remains on lawn and roof, and thick frost mornings. Brrr... so drastic change to be dogless in Anchorage! I'll have to put a dog in the MOOSE MURDERS to feel more human??? Looking forward to reading the PIPER (I think). I'm a little hesitant to dig in -- your writing does cause some gut reactions that few others do. Anyway, I better get back to describing that body in a town that in real life has not had one murder on record over the past decade! By the way - Anchorage has the 7th highest violent crime rate in the nation - that in the paper yesterday. Helps explain some of the activity we saw around the convention center/Hilton area, huh? Well, back to the body...
At 2:31pm on October 4, 2007, Morgan OReilly said…
I'm glad to hear the bear on your cover was a stunt teddy. Otherwise there'd be trouble. Teddys are people too, ya know.

So glad to have met you at Bcon, though it was under a different name. I'll leave it up to you to figure it out...

Thanks for adding me.
At 1:20pm on October 2, 2007, Patricia said…
Simon...big congrats!
At 3:18am on October 1, 2007, Merrill Young said…
No you didn-t- it was an Anthony.
Tony, Eddie- what's the dif?
Leaving now...........
At 3:14am on October 1, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Oh conga-rats, Simon!
Just heard you won an Edgar for your short story!
Are you in Alaska? If so, are you dry yet?(Assuming Donna cried all over you!)
At 6:47am on September 5, 2007, Clea Simon said…
Hey, I am consulted about my covers... but I don't think my input ever gets anywhere near design. C'est la vie.

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