Simon Wood's Comments

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At 6:20am on June 14, 2007, Amanda Stevens said…
Thanks! Now if I could just finish the next one. I've resorted to moving scenes around instead of actually writing. Never a good sign.
At 10:20am on May 31, 2007, Jordan Dane said…
Weakling? I just needed a nap--and to lull you into a feeling of bear superiority. Well, Pooh on you, sucker. I'm bringing in a heavy hitter. Smokey is gonna report you AND your furry bummed family. You can't kill iconic teddy and display him on your cover, expecting to get away with it. What kind of new US citizen are you?

And BTW---My Mom used to like you.
At 7:08am on May 31, 2007, Jordan Dane said…
LOLOLOLOL---Okay, I'm crying, "UNCLE" I give up. You aced me with the furry bummed uncle thing. I'm calling my Mom.
At 5:58am on May 31, 2007, Jordan Dane said…
Bet you had to google Yogi like I did--to know he did the cuffs thing. We're a sorry pair.
At 5:57am on May 31, 2007, Jordan Dane said…
He's not afraid to show his bear assets. I kinda dig it.
At 5:42am on May 31, 2007, Jordan Dane said…
You and Boo Boo are just jealous 'cause Yogi has got the cool hat.
At 11:43am on May 30, 2007, Jordan Dane said…
Great cover, but I'm reporting you to Yogi
At 10:18am on May 29, 2007, Steven Torres said…
Congrats on the nod from Oline Cogdill. Hope I'm next.
At 6:12am on May 23, 2007, Amanda Stevens said…
I haven't heard back on the taglines yet, but I'll let you know. I'm hoping they go with one of yours and not one of theirs.
At 1:44am on May 22, 2007, Amanda Stevens said…
Thanks for the add, Simon. I saw you on here a few days ago, but I didn't send a request because I didn't want you to think I was following you over here.
At 12:55pm on April 27, 2007, Brian Thornton said…
Hi Simon-

Thanks for the kind words. I think the same way about you.

Yer Pal-

At 6:07pm on April 19, 2007, Jan Long said…
Got your info. Sorry I haven't been in touch - bad week here. Will get hold of you by this weekend to work out details.
At 5:20pm on April 19, 2007, Donna Moore said…
Simon - just because I don't cry doesn't mean that I don't feel the pain in my heart. In fact, the hurt goes deeper if I actually can't squeeze out a few tears :o)
Your friend
At 10:14am on April 17, 2007, Terri said…
Hi Simon!
Good to see you! Small cyber world, no? =)
I'm still getting my feet wet here and hoping I don't fall on my face.
At 5:08am on April 10, 2007, Brian Thornton said…
If not your ears, perhaps your eyes. Got something I'll be sending you by the end of the week. Burn, baby, burn!
At 4:04pm on April 9, 2007, Brian Thornton said…
Hey Simon-

Ears burning?
At 2:32pm on April 9, 2007, David Magayna said…
Hi Simon. Thanks for the invite.
At 9:16am on April 9, 2007, Jan Christensen said…
Hi Simon! I must have missed you when I joined--thanks for finding me and "friending" me. It's good to see quite a few of the SMFS gang here--old and new! Happy writing.
At 11:38pm on March 28, 2007, Brian Thornton said…
Nice pun, there, Simon! If anyone is knocking on anyone, it's Wood knocking on me. Remember your comment that Sunday in Seattle about Ali and body blows?
At 6:01am on March 27, 2007, Tim Maleeny said…
Hey Simon...actually I'm tied up for lunch tomorrow...meeting some friends at a bookstore.

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