I still love the cat video. Hope you don't take it off for a good long time. My videos are unreliable on sound - guess it depends which camera took them.
I can't claim any credits for the cat video. It's not my cat. When someone sent it on in an email I figured that it would be ideal to put in this space. I don't like spaces much! I do have a video clip that I took of some of the boys in my class last year doing a rock band number and they'd think it was pretty cool if I put that one on next. I shot a video of our school camp experience the other week and we added interviews, but the whole thing takes 45 minutes to run. It's definitely not the sort of thing I could upload anywhere!
saw the cat video....loved it! maybe I should train mine to do that? nahhhh better to stick around here and talk books...nice to see you Fran (hugs from Soren he says)
My cat is obviously not that sensitive because no amount of noise will get him off the bed or out of the armchair! Then he looks most affronted when he is physically carried out the door for some fresh air!
Hey Fran!
I saw that you posted the video about the piano playing cat.
I couldn't help but wonder if it's owner(s) played and kitty wanted to see what all the fuss is about.
I DO know that my cats have distinct musical preferences, and will leave the room if the tunes are not to their liking.
I've already done that, Kathy! For the last three nights I've woken bright and sparkly at about 2am and put in a very productive hour before crawling back into bed. At about 2.30 this morning I got organised for work today - and checked RAM, 4MA and Crimescene. I even managed a chapter of my book and then fell into a very deep sleep.
G'day Lillian! I hang out on 4MA and chime in occasionally, also on the Moldy Cockroach and Mystery Reader Cafe, so your name was definitely familiar to me. I'm fumbling around a bit in here but enjoying it immensely. (I think I've accidently uninvited and re-invited poor Sunnie at least three times so soon I'll have no friends at all!)
G'day everyone! I don't know how I'm ever going to find time to sleep now that I've discovered this place. I don't even dare look around properly until the weekend!
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Yup, no longer the faceless wonder.
How about someone telling me where the marvelous Kathy and her widgets are?
Hope all is well down under.
I saw that you posted the video about the piano playing cat.
I couldn't help but wonder if it's owner(s) played and kitty wanted to see what all the fuss is about.
I DO know that my cats have distinct musical preferences, and will leave the room if the tunes are not to their liking.
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