Tim Maleeny's Comments

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At 3:34am on March 21, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Hey Tim! Please tell you're going to B'con Alaska! Come on, you've got another book coming out this year, you have to go!
At 1:57am on March 21, 2007, Tim Maleeny said…
Brian, consider this a highly belated, long overdue thanks for those great photos. Sorry you won't be able to join us in Seattle. Steve and I will sing your praises in your absence.

Robert, I can't wait for you to read the book...looking forward to hearing your reaction.
At 12:53am on March 21, 2007, Robert Gregory Browne said…
Tim, I gotta say I just love the cover of Stealing the Dragon. Can't wait to read it.
At 2:07pm on March 20, 2007, Brian Thornton said…
Hey Tim- I hear you're gonna be up here with Hockensmith midweek early next month. I can't get away to come to your signing at Seattle Mystery Books, but I'll be there in spirit.

Did you ever receive the pics I sent of you signing with Rozan next to you at LCC? Looking forward to reading STEALING THE DRAGON.
At 11:32am on March 20, 2007, Karen Dionne said…
I just read the article on ITW's website about how you came by your fabulous cover, Tim. Man, it's GORGEOUS. You need to show it off here!

At 9:38am on March 20, 2007, Tim Maleeny said…
Thanks everyone for stopping by, and also for the raves about Stealing The Dragon. Now if only I could find the time to finish the next book in the series, but instead I keep coming back here to...procrastinate. What's your excuse?
At 6:55am on March 20, 2007, Bill Cameron said…
Tim! Rumor has it you're gonna be at my hometown mystery bookstore next month! Can't wait.

And, yes, folks, Stealing the Dragon kicks ass!
At 3:48am on March 20, 2007, David J. Montgomery said…
Stealing the Dragon is a fine book. Read it everyone!
At 2:36am on March 20, 2007, Brett Battles said…
Hey Tim! Great to see you've joined the nuthouse.
At 1:40am on March 20, 2007, Jennifer Jordan said…
Yay, Tim's here!

STEALING THE DRAGON rocks the casbah!
At 12:50am on March 20, 2007, Laura Benedict said…
Hi, Tim!
At 9:13pm on March 19, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Welcome aboard Tim! Good to see you found your way here!
At 5:22pm on March 19, 2007, Angie said…
Hey! We meet at last! Okay, virtually speaking, but it's great to see you here. Daniel's created quite the nifty little hang-out for crime fic'ers, huh?

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