Jeri Westerson's Comments

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At 2:02am on May 31, 2008, Jeannie Holmes said…
Thanks for the kind words, Jeri. Currently I'm drifting somewhere between reality and denial, but I'm enjoying every second. :-)
At 12:38am on May 20, 2008, Lillian Porter said…
Your new book sound very interesting. I look forward to when it is released. I will post a review on my blog and the mystery lists I belong to.
At 10:00am on May 12, 2008, Tom Cooke said…
I obviously failed to do the after manuscript work. I really think that your process is the smart way to go. Thank you so much for the advice. I'm heading to the NYT bestseller list as soon as I finish here.
At 5:50am on April 16, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi Jeri
Congratulations on your first release. Best of luck to you.
At 5:03pm on October 23, 2007, Jackie Tritt said…
Hi Jeri

I'm fascinated by your very different protagonists and story lines! Good luck with Veil of Lies.

At 9:19am on August 4, 2007, Love Is Murder Conference said…
Well, there you go. We at LIMCON can assure you that each and every person at the conference truly and sincerely wants to be your friend. Honest. No foolin'.
At 1:01am on May 19, 2007, Mary Saums said…
Congratulations on your book deal! I love reading about the medieval period. Best of luck!
At 10:19am on May 18, 2007, Barbara Fister said…
Congrats on the St. Martin's deal! I have a book coming out with them next year, too.

They know how to throw a good party too - the one at Bouchercon in Madison was fun, and that was before I knew anybody there.
At 7:45am on April 19, 2007, Jeri Westerson said…
I don't know this particular cat but I would like to train mine to do something. But I think, considering, it would be the dishes, not smoking the neighbors.
At 7:18am on April 19, 2007, Robert K. Foster said…
Loved your member photo. I have a cat with a much similar personality. :)
At 9:30am on April 10, 2007, Jeri Westerson said…
They always seemed to need to fill space so I gave it to them. And the money wasn't bad for locals (of course I worked for three at the same time, making sure there was no conflict of interest).
At 9:25am on April 10, 2007, Patti McCoy Jacob said…
Lucky you, Jeri - they only give me 700 words to play with. My problem has NEVER been coming up with that amount. It's alway trying to figure out what to cut out.

But the pay is worth it... HA!!!
At 6:56am on April 10, 2007, Jeri Westerson said…
It's annoying, really. I try not to be a bad girl, but I am also trying to promote myself. Do I really need to have another blog? I only do it to get the word out. If I can't do it here...
At 5:06am on April 9, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Sorry you got noodle whacked. I never read instructions so am often a whackee myself.

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