Darren Laws
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The EU and why I say...vote leave

I refuse to sit on the fence on the most important vote in our lifetime. If democracy and self-government are important to you, if protecting industries and the NHS is important, If avoiding the odious US /EU trade agreement TTIP is important, if being able to sack failing politicians and voting in new politicians is important then there is only one vote and that is a vote to leave the EU. We won't be leaving the continent of Europe, we won't stop trading with Europe but we will be free to trade with the rest of the world without the EU's onerous restrictions. 
The EU already has one flag, a national anthem, an army about to be announced and a future of a single state with no borders. It has expansionist hunger last seen which led to a world war and clearly would allow any old country to join regardless of it's financial strength or weakness, just to increase it's size. Financially it is a crippled behemoth. Britain will be forced to pay extra to make these weak countries stronger while our own services crumble, while our roads fall apart, while our NHS dies. If Greece defaults on the punitive austerity payments they are being forced to pay by their EU 'friends' especially Germany, the house of cards that is the Euro currency could implode and thank god we didn't join that when PWC, the city bankers, various trade industry bodies and so called financial experts were all campaigning for us to join the exchange rate mechanism and surrender sterling - the very same people now saying we should remain in the EU - why? Because they become extremely wealthy through the EU or get massive amounts of funding to keep them rich and us poor. 
A vote to remain is a vote for David Cameron, city bankers, and an anti-democratic state, the wholesale abandonment of our sovereignty to a single un-elected United States of Europe, which happens to be just ahead of the Antarctic continent in terms of growth (just ahead), a European army that will threaten stability with non-EU neighbours. An un-elected super state bleeding us dry, while forcing through an army which we have no control over. 
I've not even talked about borders or immigration, because let's be frank, to offer any thoughts on this subject makes you an out and out racist or bigot. The truth can sometimes be very uncomfortable for the politically correct. So forget immigration and look at what you stand to lose in terms of democracy and if god forbid we do vote to remain (especially after the Government so slyly moved the time to register to vote by two days) don't complain when you wake up on the 24th June or soon after to news of an EU army being formed and voted through by only 9 members of the EU not the 28 countries that usually have a veto on such important matters...but then again democracy doesn't count for much in the EU. You voice certainly won't...Keep you voice, keep your democratic right ...
vote leave

The Year of the Derivative Title

Scene: Marketing room at a Major Publishing House
A boardroom with five white middle to upper class people, discussing a title change in order to launch a book
Rodney: Brainstorm guys!
Lucinda 1: Thought shower Rodders, Thought shower.
Lucinda 2: Yeah, Roddykins think of all those poor darlings with epilepsy or ADD or...ooh, shoes. (Lucinda 2 stares off into the distance.)
Lucinda 3: I’ve got it...(Lucinda 3 stands and walks to the flip chart, grabs a permanent marker and writes, The Girl. She sits down clearly exhausted.) Phew...blood rush.
All three Lucinda’s laugh and for some inexplicable reason Rodney turns red from the neck up.
Piers: Is it enough?
Lucinda 4 enters the room carrying a tray with a bottle of Bolly and six glasses: Have I missed anything?
Rodney: Lovely Lulu has come up with a spiffing title for our new thriller but Piers is concerned.
Piers: Is it enough? I mean with Gone Girl, Girl on a Train, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Was Saturday Night
Rodney looks puzzled
Piers: Not one of ours Rodo! Savage Girl, Wartime Girls, Girl Interrupted, the list goes on
Lucinda 2: What about?...(stares of into the distance once more)
Lucinda 3: The Gone Girl On A Train With a Dragon Tattoo On A Saturday Night
The whole room turns to look at Lucinda 3, seriously contemplating her title idea
Piers: But what’s it about?
The 4 Lucinda’s respond “Who cares, who has read the bloody thing anyway” and cackle
Piers: shrugs and sweeps his foppish hair back from his eyes: Open the bloody champers, time to celebrate!
Rodney: We’ll print a million, chuck a few hundred grand at it and see what happens eh? Tube posters everywhere, lots of bus advertising and let’s give away 40,000 to generate word of mouth buzz. The buyers will love it!
Lucinda 4: It always seems to work Rodder’s!

Darren E Laws

Profile Information

About Me:
Crime writer and occasionally other dark matters. No matter how dark, serious or grungy never forget to make a reader smile every now and then.

If you have difficulty seeing my website (www.darrrenlaws.co.uk) go to www.cnpublishing.co.uk to read chapters from my first two novels
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Publisher
Books And Authors I Like:
In no particular order:
Chuck Pallahniuk, Peter Hoeg, Harlan Coben, Lee Child, Stel Pavlou, Henning Mankell, Stephen King, Thomas Harris and many, many more
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
CSI, Criminal Minds, Touching Evil,

Too many films to mention but anything by David Fincher, The Coen Brothers, Ridley Scott and Spielberg on a good day. Love dark Sci-Fi

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Submission season open

But only for a short while. Head over to http://www.cnpublishing.co.uk to find out more

Posted on November 8, 2009 at 10:27pm

Crystal balls or no balls at all…The future of publishing.

The London Book Fair is one of the most highly anticipated events in the calendar year for publishers, authors and anyone connected with language and the ability to write captivating prose. As the event draws near the industry faces many new challenges, one thing that can be certain is that the Internet and digital technology is going to claim a bigger share of our thoughts and occupation. Sales of cut-price fiction in supermarkets, Amazon’s dominance of the book selling world on the net,… Continue

Posted on April 2, 2008 at 8:41am

Murder in your backyard


Is the 'Online now' box killing Crimespace?

I hit Crimespace and see a lot of the time that I am the only soul here. Gets pretty lonely sometimes, so I just move on.

Hate to say it but is that online now box killing this site.

Posted on January 29, 2008 at 8:04am — 3 Comments

The clock is ticking...


the body of a man is washed up in the river; Turtle Island, Missouri is awoken

from being a peaceful haven and thrust into the attention of the national

media. The case is solved rather all too conveniently and F.B.I agent Georgina

O’Neil is left with severe doubts - have they caught the right man? A feeling that is justified after case

Detective Montoya and his family are kidnapped and a web site is…

Posted on January 19, 2008 at 3:28am

Crimespace...it's a crime not to

Crimespace is the find of the year for me so far. I have tried many of the social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin, and even Bebo, but have failed to target an audience of readers and writers of crime fiction as succinctly as Crimespace. For an author or reader of crime fiction its like finding this huge wealth of talent collected with a singular interest. As a relatively new…


Posted on January 4, 2008 at 11:35pm — 9 Comments

Comment Wall (72 comments)

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At 12:52am on February 1, 2009, Sue Dawson said…
I avoid MySpace and FaceBook because I try to keep the scammers at bay.I just finished TEASER, a new novel about child porn on the Net. The author has been a journalist for 20 years, and TEASER rings true--scary stuff. Having taught high school English for several years back in the Dark Ages, I remember how teens were always searching for acceptance (still are)--sometimes in all the wrong places. Kids are still too trusting, and parents nowdays are frazzled with worry about keeping their homes and jobs.
At 12:06am on January 24, 2009, Leigh Lundin said…
Regarding MySpace and FaceBook, they were originally started for children and students. I don't think either are an appropriate venue for adult males. The television programme To Catch a Predator uses them to troll for sexual deviants.
At 12:04am on January 24, 2009, Leigh Lundin said…
Janet Hutchings of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine is very open to British mysteries and crime stories. We love 'em.
At 3:34am on December 15, 2008, Timothy C. Phillips said…
Hi Darren! How are things?
At 4:53am on September 1, 2008, robert walker said…
Hola Daniel -- just coming on to say hello and hope all is going well with you and Tutrle Island. Seems Islands are all the rage right now, what with Dennis Lehane's new title. Am thinking of doing an Island titlle myself and why not? I have the perfect one in mind.
Any rate, jus dropped by to say howdy do.

At 4:55pm on February 19, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
And you do have that "Usual Suspect" look about you.
At 5:36am on February 18, 2008, Camilla Trinchieri said…
Ciao Darren--have fun editing your new novel. It's the phase of the writing process I enjoy the most. Alas I am still bogged down filling a blank monitor screen. May your editing be inspired. Ciao camilla
At 8:14am on February 17, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi Darren
I keep seeing your face everywhere, so you must be a good "friend." I agree, CrimeSpace is much more useful than other networking sites.
At 3:19am on February 16, 2008, Camilla Trinchieri said…
Hi Darren-about not finding anyone on CrimeSpace when you log in. I get bogged down with trying to finish my novel, cook,shop for food, do the laundry, answer e-mails etc etc. Who's got the time to chat? I wish I did. Be and write well, Ciao Camilla
At 12:58pm on January 20, 2008, Jon McGoran as D. H. Dublin said…
Hey Darren,
Thanks for the invitation. Yes, I love it here as well. If only I had more time to hang out....

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