Mark Coggins's Videos (CrimeSpace) - CrimeSpace2024-11-08T02:07:06Z Big,2009-05-10:537324:Video:1979232009-05-10T23:36:38.327ZMark Coggins
<a href=""><br />
<img alt="Thumbnail" height="159" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>CABLE CAR CRUNCH: the action-packed first chapter of THE BIG WAKE-UP provided in a podcast/slide show recorded in Dashiell Hammett's old apartment (!) and featuring photographs of the real San Francisco locations described in the text.<br></br>
Check the embedded version on my (Mark Coggins') Crimespace page for better quality audio and video, or if you prefer to actually read the chapter,…
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="159" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />CABLE CAR CRUNCH: the action-packed first chapter of THE BIG WAKE-UP provided in a podcast/slide show recorded in Dashiell Hammett's old apartment (!) and featuring photographs of the real San Francisco locations described in the text.<br />
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Check the embedded version on my (Mark Coggins') Crimespace page for better quality audio and video, or if you prefer to actually read the chapter, go to the THRILLING DETECTIVE site:<br />
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<a href=""></a> RUNOFF,2009-05-10:537324:Video:1979022009-05-10T21:17:07.972ZMark Coggins
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="135" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Book trailer for RUNOFF by Mark Coggins. Features photographs used to illustrate the book.
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="135" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Book trailer for RUNOFF by Mark Coggins. Features photographs used to illustrate the book. Mark Coggins on In a,2009-05-10:537324:Video:1978842009-05-10T20:11:15.747ZMark Coggins
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Mark Coggins on the program In a Word, interviewed about his book RUNOFF.
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Mark Coggins on the program In a Word, interviewed about his book RUNOFF.