Barbara Franchi

United States

Profile Information:

Los Angeles (really New York, but I live in LA)
About Me:
Owner of Appraiser on US version of Antiques Roadshow. Consultant to Heritage Auction Galleries, Dallas. Retired. Likes to travel
Books And Authors I Like:
Usually whatever I have read most recently. Generally sort of middle of the road and thrillers. Dana Stabenow, Dan Silva, and like that. May change tomorrow
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Casablanca, Jaws
I'll watch Law and Order reruns any time. Loved West Wing, Barney Miller. Of the current shows, I guess House is my favorite.

Comment Wall:

  • LC Fraser

    Hi Barbara, I think you are on some yahoo lists that I am on too? Sometimes I am not sure where I saw a name before. Anyway, I am curious about what your area of expertise is on the Roadshow?
  • Barbara Franchi

    Hi LC
    I'm a generalist, working at the front desk. When I do get a chance to work the tables in the back, I'm at the collectibles table with my husband, Rudy, who is an on air appraiser.

    And we probably are on several Yahoo groups together. I think I belong to most of the mystery ones.

  • Angie

    Hi, Barbara & welcome to Crimespace. I'm totally with you on Casablanca - one of my fav. movies to watch on a cold night!
  • LC Fraser

    With the lower case 'bf' I suddenly think I know which lists I am thinking of. I am on a fair few as well. Nice to see yu here.
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Barbara, welcome aboard. Please keep announcements like this confined to your blog. In time I will be adding a separate announcements forum for items such as this. You might want to read the help section.

  • LC Fraser

    My husband is very much into watching the Roadshow - he collects autographs (only is very fussy about which ones) and I collect porcelain and Wedgwood so the shows are fun for us to watch