Daniel Hatadi




Profile Information:

About Me:

Daniel Hatadi has published several short stories and articles and is currently working on a novel. In 2007 he won the Spinetingler Magazine Special Services To The Industry Award for his work at CrimeSpace. He has poems published in the current issue of THE LINEUP, a chapbook of poetry from crime writers. His story, BUDDHA BEHIND BARS, appears in the second Thuglit anthology, SEX THUGS AND ROCK & ROLL.

SEX, THUGS AND ROCK & ROLL: A Thuglit Anthology, edited by Todd Robinson

Print version:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powells, Indiebound, Kensington.

I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Ken Bruen, Peter Temple, Jonathan Lethem, Frank Herbert, Orson Scott Card, Charlie Huston, Jim Thompson, Charles Willeford, Jeff Lindsay, Sara Gran, Peter Corris, James Ellroy, Neil Gaiman, John Connolly, Steven Torres, Sandra Ruttan, Anne Frasier
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Movies: The Blues Brothers, Being John Malkovich, I Heart Huckabees, Heat, Amelie, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, The Fifth Element, Layer Cake, Gattaca, Donnie Darko, Beetlejuice, Brain Candy, Interview With The Vampire, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid; TV: Dexter, House, Millennium, Dead Like Me, Firefly, Carnivale

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  • Charlotte Williamson

    Crimespace Bookstore:

    Name: Charlotte Williamson        Name:  Charlotte Williamson

    Title:  Switched                            Title:  Say Aloha to Murder

    ISBN: 1-4137-4917-8                   ISBN:  1-4241-2697-5

  • len howlett

    Hey Dan,

    I've been gone awhile. Don't know if you remember me, but you probably remember the black National Tricone I posted. Just wanted to let you know I'll be around more often, AND have recently purchased a Les Paul Iced Teaburst. It is the best sounding, best playing axe I've ever had the privilege to play, much less own. You were one of the first people on the site I wanted to contact due to aforesaid guitar. Since we seem to share the same mania. Best to you.

                                                Len Howlett

  • Sam King

    Have tried finding a contact us link.  tried png, jpg, jpeg and gif images for my profile pic. No joy.  Files between 15.1k and 1.49 mb. Please help.