David L. Hoof

78, Male

Washington, DC

United States

Profile Information:

Washington DC
About Me:
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
In the Cut
Cormac McCarthy, James Lee Burke, Joyce Carol Oates, Charles McCarry, Martin Cruz Smith, Elmore Leonard, Anthony Burgess, John Sandford, Tess Gerritsen, Lisa Scottoline, John Updike
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Dead Poet's Society
Smilla's Sense of Snow
Gorky Park
Walk on Water
The Eye of the Needle
Dead Like Me
Sea of Love
Medicine Man
Straw Dogs
The Piano
Good Will Hunting
On the Beach (Original and Showtime production)
Body Heat
Away From Her

Comment Wall:

  • carole gill

    You do sound busy! I, too, write. Am working on a novel in a series as well as short stories. I tend to work until I can't see straight, eight hours at a time and then back to it. All the best of luck to you, though and I mean it!
  • carole gill

    I admire you. I'm knew to this, to actually sending my stuff out. How do you get through it? In truth, I did send out one manuscript, and it was rejected--but for some reason I had written a romance, and I never read them! They said it had promise, but it was bit sugary. I had to agree. I read something funny about a writer saying that only his life depended on him getting published. YOu have to be a writer, I guess, to understand that. I understand it and I know you do. I hope you have diversions though. I'm sure you must.