Sarah Reidy

Profile Information:

New York
About Me:
I am the publicity director for Soho Press, which includes the imprint of Soho Crime - the proud home of many wonderful literary thriller writers.
I Am A:
Reader, Publisher
Books And Authors I Like:
Any thing by Soho Crime!

Comment Wall:

  • Steven Torres

    Hi, and welcome. Will you be posting info for SOHO here?
  • Sarah Reidy

    Thanks. Honestly, I hadn't thought about it. I was using this mainly to keep up with our authors that are on here. However, if you have specific questions, you can certainly contact me directly. Most info is on our website, but if something big comes up, I will try to put it up here as well.
  • Cara Black

    Bonjour Sarah,

    thanks for this suggestion to join Crimespace...see you in Atlanta
  • Eric Stone

    Hi Sarah, I'm a close pal of Colin Cotterill's. He and I went on a road trip / book tour together last year. He's here too. Welcome.
  • Camilla Trinchieri

    Hi Sarah- what fun metting you here again, which shouldnot surpirse me as you were the one who told me about this site. Tnhanks for that. Ciao
  • Camilla Trinchieri

    Forgive the typos. I always forget to check. Very sloppy for a writer.
  • Lee Lofland

    Hi Sarah. Welcome. I see you and I have a mutual friend, Tod Goldberg.
  • colin cotterill

  • James R. Benn

  • Lyn LeJeune

    Soho is my favorite independent press and I think all who work there are gods.
    My book, The Beatitudes, Book I in The New Orleans Trilogy, will be out in the fall and I am donating all royalties directly to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. My blogsite has excerpts, recipes, and news, and you can see the many prominent authors supporting me, such as Alafair Burke, Julie Smith, Ken Bruen, and many others. Hope you let me be your friend. Lyn Lejeune.
  • JackBludis

    Nice company to work for. They have that international flavor. But come on, you must like books by others. *Stalin's Ghost* at least.
  • gracebrophy

    Hi Sarah,

    I finally put up a website. When you have time, perhaps you can take a look. Thanks.