Elysabeth Eldering

62, Female

upper state South Carolina

Profile Information:

upper state South Carolina (no real hometown since I'm an army brat and was born overseas and raised in many different areas)
About Me:
Elysabeth Eldering is 45 years old and lives in a small town in upper South Carolina. She enjoys reading, cross stitch, crochet and writing. Her first story was written on a dare from a friend, but she found that she really enjoyed the creative outlet.

Her writing credits include "Train of Clues" (a shared second place winner on Armchair Interviews), "The Proposal" (an April Fool's Day contest shared second place winner on Armchair Interviews), and "The Tulip Kiss" (fast and frigid contest winner on Echelon Press) and "Butterfly Halves", a young adult fantasy, (the latter two were published by Echelon Press but are no longer available). Her most recent story, "Bride-and-Seek", was accepted and published in the SCWW anthology The Petigru Review and is available on amazon.com. She has an article on editing and self publishing to her credit, also published on Armchair Interviews.

The newest series to her writing accomplishment is the Junior Geography Detective Squad, coming from Living Waters Publishers in the fall of 2008. Her stories will feat...
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
Most mysteries and some YAs (getting into reading them again since I'm writing YA/middle grade mysteries of a sort)
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
CSI, Crossing Jordan, NUMB3RS, Survivor, Criminal Minds, Gray's Anatomy, a few sitcoms and my all time favorite movie (sorry not a mystery movie or anything close) is The Sound of Music. Like Contact, Erin Brockovich, several other Julia Roberts and Jodie Foster films, and I can't think of much else right now - lol - E :)

Comment Wall:

  • Kathryn Lilley

    Hi Elysabeth! I grew up (partially) in South Carolina, and still have a lot of "kin folk" there!
  • Elysabeth Eldering

    Kathryn, I didn't exactly grow up (being an army brat - I've lived all over and was even born overseas) but have spent most of my life in the area now. I like it though - pretty quiet and friendly area (better than some places I've lived or remember). Thanks for inviting me to be your friend and looking forward to your book coming out - E :)
  • Kathryn Lilley

    Hi Elysabeth! Thanks for being my friend. The publisher (NAL/Obsidian) just sent me a box of ARCs. If you can send me your address, I would be honored to send you one! Best, Kathryn
  • Lynette Hall Hampton

    Hi Elysabeth, I'm glad to see you here. I remember you from Greenwood. That was a wonderful weekend and I hope to go back there sometime. Thanks for adding me as a friend.
  • Lyn LeJeune

    Wow, you're very busy. Writing, reviweing and interviewing.
    My book, The Beatitudes, is a paranormal thriller set in New Orleans. It will be out in the fall and I am donating all royalties directly to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. Libraries support the infrastructure of a great city, so I have started The Beatitudes Network to promote awareness of the importance of public libraries in NOLA.
    The blogsite www.beatitudesinneworleans.blogspot.com describes the Network, has excerpts from The Beatitudes, recipes, and more. Merci mille fois. Lyn Lejeune.
    Writers, please pass the word…..it’s for a good cause….don’t let the libraries of New Orleans or the US go the way of The Great Library of Alexandria. P.S. just posted an excerpt on my Crimespace page.
  • Marcia Moore

    Hi Elysabeth,

    I have family in Anderson and spent a lot of my childhood there. My Aunt was an icon at the old Sullivan Hardware store. I think it is a restaurant now. My uncle was the pastor for Nell Townsend church up in North Anderson for many years. I love that area.
  • Marcia Moore

    Thank you for the invite. It is like a taste of home.

  • Kathryn Lilley

    Hi Elizabeth! Thanks so much for keeping in touch. I know what it's like during the summer, trying to keep up with kids, books, and life in general! Best, Kat=thryn
  • Graeme S. Houston

    'Tis a small world indeed. I was just talking to Aidana WillowRaven less than twelve hours ago and then I couldn't help but spot your very striking logo in the comment wall, on Tod Robinson's page. :)
  • charlene

    Hello! I lived in the Anderson/Belton area for most of my life. I moved to KY 4 years ago. I will definitely have to read your stories!
  • charlene

    Sounds very interesting! I would like for my children to read it! So are you actually from Belton?
  • charlene

    HP-Honea Path?
  • charlene

    small world! i lived there from 79-83, and then from 85-87! I was married at Chiquloa Baptist church-went there for years!
  • charlene

    HA! The END of the marriage was what brought me here! I have family in both places. Usually get back 2-3 times a year! Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am glad that I found you on here!
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Elysabeth. I remember you said you wanted to read the book some time ago. It will be out in paperback and available to order by the end of the month if you prefer it in hard copy.I'm very flattered that you still want to get your hands on a copy of 'A Study in Red'.

    Thank you.

  • Darren Laws

    Hi Elizabeth, have to agree with your commments. I have been on MySpace for a while now and have to say that there is a very purile element to it.I have had to look twice at some of the comments, invitations and emails that have made their way to me. It is very worrying and certainly should be more tightly regulated. I am a great believer in free speech but there needs to protection afforded to people who are vulnerable and open to exploitation. I am contacting my other reader and writer friends on MySpace to make sure they are aware of Crimespace.