Jonathan Santlofer

United States

Profile Information:

new york city
About Me:
Author/artist. 4 novels: THE DEATH ARTIST, COLOR BLIND, THE KILLING ART, and ANATOMY OF FEAR which comes out on April 10, a illustrated novel of suspense.
Started my career as an artist and did well. Lost all my work in a fire and turned to writing. Now, doing both.
Books And Authors I Like:
jeffrey deaver, linda fairstein, michael connelly, phillip roth, jm coetzee, and so many more...
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Chinatown, all of Hitchcock, loved The Departed...
TV: Cold Case, all Law & Order, Without a Trace...

Comment Wall:

  • Jonathan Santlofer

    Dear Lars,
    It's a about a serial killer who is stalking the denizens of New York City's art world. The Washington Post called it one of the scariest books in contemporary fiction, though I thought it had more humor than horror. I'm not sure how well the humor will translate in German, but if you read it perhaps you can let me know.
  • Mary Reagan

    Lars, it's a great book. You should definitely check it out.
  • Jonathan Santlofer

    Thanks, Mary. I appreciate the kind words. THE DEATH ARTIST feels like such a long time ago, but it's my first born and I'll always have special feelings for it. At the time I thought I was writing a satire, a mostly funny book, but only one review found it funny. Everyone else thought it was terrifying. Hmmm... what does that say about my sense of humor?
  • Jonathan Maberry

    Jonathan...forensic art might actually be an interesting sidebar for the book. I'm covering a lot of ground and having a lot of fun with it. Drop me a line at
  • carole gill

    Ooh death artist! will have to get that. hi just found your name on Megan Abbott's website link. very dramatic about the fire. could that have been a sign do you think? or am I just a superstitious nut?! all the best. by the way, I love noir, am writing a novel now.
  • carole gill

    thank you, Jonathan. all the best. Destiny is funny sometimes--I hope mine is to get published (before I get any older)!
  • Jonathan Santlofer

    I almost never read fiction when I'm writing. Only if I am looking for something specific. But I agree, it can throw you off.
  • carole gill

    Thank you, Jonathan! back to slogging away now.
  • Steve Steinbock

    Jonathan, yes, I'm THE Steve Steinbock. But I'm not sure I qualify as a "THE." I enjoyed your promo video. Thanks (belated) for sending it. All is well. Hope to see you soon.
  • carole gill

    Hi nice to hear from you. didn't remember what I wrote, but then I did. truthfully, i am supersititious--but i don'tlet it run my life. I remember now about the fire-it did change your life--or, YOU did. so glad you're successful, too. all the best to you Jonathan for the Holidays and the New Year. You're a lovely person!
  • Jonathan Santlofer

    Thanks, Carole. Here's to a great 2008 for all!