Scott Mittelsteadt


Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Born and raised in the Milwaukee area, but transplanted to the desert of AZ.
About Me:
I am a big time reader and aspiring writer. My tastes span the gamut of genres and styles.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Crime Genre:
Gary King - Bloodlust, An Early Grave & Stolen in the Night
Truman Capote - In Cold Blood
Vincent Bugliosi - Helter Skelter and The Prosecution of George W. Bush for murder

Other Genres:
John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, Cormac McCarthy, James H. Kunstler, Walter Isaacson, Peter Mathiessen, Brian Greene, Naomi Klein, and so many others.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Daniel Craig James Bond movies
The Godfather Trilogy
The Wire
Lawrence of Arabia

Comment Wall:

  • Gary C. King

    You DOG! Didn't you mean to say a "gonnabe" above? I can see that I'm gonna have to stay on your ass...
  • Cynthia Rice

    Scott - Just thought you'd like to know Milwaukee is having a bit of a blizzard right now, up to 10 inches predicted and blowing like crazy. Arizona sounds wonderful. Does your writing run towards true crime or fiction?