Ana Dziengel

Profile Information:

Los Angeles
About Me:
I'm a designer and crime fiction enthusiast. I write a blog called Crime Beat Street.
I Am A:
Reader, Critic
Books And Authors I Like:
Arnaldur Indridason
Michael Connelly
Qiu Xiaolong
Rebeca Pawel
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Out of the Past
L.A. Confidential
In the Heat of the Night

Comment Wall:

  • Eric Stone

    Glad to see you like Qiu, he's one of my favorites also. I'll probably set the fourth book in my series in Shanghai, I just hope I can do it justice.
    Welcome to Crimespace.
  • Eric Stone

    Hi Ana,
    Thanks so much. I hope you like Living Room.
  • JackBludis

    Good blog, good logo, good choice of movies. And from LA? My kind of town (See THE BIG SWITCH, THE DEAL KILLER, and SHADOW OF THE DAHLIA.)

  • Douglas Quinn

    Hi Ana: I'll check out your blog as soon as I get a chance. You say you are a designer. Fashion? Graphic? Other? I write mystery and suspense novels.

    Douglas Quinn
  • Douglas Quinn

    Furniture design sounds like an interesting and personally rewarding endeavor. If you do read my work, please let me know what you think, either on here or through my website.

    Douglas Quinn
  • Douglas Quinn

    Douglas Quinn
    Author, Editor, Book Reviewer

    12 January 2008

    Dear Family/Fans/Friends/Readers

    Please join me in the first week of my Virtual Book Tour. Beginning tomorrow, Sunday, January 13th, writer Brenda Kay Wynn will publish an interview with Douglas Quinn on her webblog site at (click on the following or cut and paste into your browser)

    You are invited to go to Brenda’s site, read the interview and comment and/or ask questions. I am looking forward to responding to your comments and queries.

    The interview will be posted throughout the four week tour. Weeks two, three and four will have different articles hosted by and posted at other webblog sites. Would love to interact with you along the way.

    In addition, each time during the four week tour you leave a comment and/or ask a question your name will be placed into a drawing for a Free Signed Copy of Blue Heron Marsh.. Hope to see you all there.

    Douglas Quinn

    P.S. Please feel free to forward this invitation to your own email address list. The more people who participate, the happier I will be.
  • Eric Stone

    Hi Ana,
    Thanks for the read and the review. I like honest reviews, they're more interesting and useful than the other sort. Unfortunately a whole lot of what was described in the book is pretty commonplace (and accurately described) in the expatriate - and non-expat also - communities of Asia - maybe in other places too, but I'm familiar with Asia. The commodification of women pervades a lot of the societies there and enables some of the really horrific stuff that goes on. I tried to give my readers a sense of that.
    In the new book, Grave Imports, Ray is so freaked out by what went on in Living Room, that things are somewhat different.