T. L. Cooper


Albany, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Albany, Oregon
About Me:
Growing up on a farm in Tollesboro, Kentucky provided T. L. Cooper with a fertile place for her imagination to germinate. She wrote her first short story around age eight though she first started telling stories to save a groundhog that lived in her father’s barn from being shot and to entertain her family a few years earlier. Weaving a story soon became the first love of her life and one that would last.

A desire to learn more about people and why they behave as they do led her to study Corrections and Juvenile Services as well as Psychology at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky where she earned a bachelor of science. While attending Eastern Kentucky University she began to cultivate her interest in racial relations as well as various cultures both within the United States and around the world. She also continued to write about things that mattered to her. During this time she met the man who would prove to be her soul mate.

After graduating and marrying, she moved to Lexington, Kentucky where she worked as a youth counselor and a project coordinator even as she continued to write poetry and short stories. While living in Columbus, Ohio, she began writing the first draft of the recently published All She Ever Wanted while on a temp assignment and continued to write it while holding a position as a registrar assistant. Extensive travel within the United States as well as visits to England, Spain, France, Jordan, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai has provided her with rich opportunities to learn about different cultures, beliefs, and people. Currently, she lives in Corvallis, Oregon with her husband of fifteen years.

Developing a strong interest in contemporary social issues, T.L. Cooper continues to write short stories, poetry, and novels that address current issues with creativity, intelligence, and honesty. She’s been known to say “I could give up breathing easier than I could quit writing.”

Several of her poems have appeared in anthologies and a short story on an online magazine. She published her first novel, All She Ever Wanted, in 2002. Articles have appeared in magazines including Idaho Magazine. Her short story, Fortress, won second place in the Professional Division of the Idaho Magazine 2005 Fiction Writing Contest. She contributed material from her experience marketing her first book to Book Marketing A to Z and Self-Promotion for Authors. Her poems appeared in several anthologies including Standing, Poetry by Idaho Women (2004 & 2005 editions) an anthology which benefits the Women’s and Children’s Alliance in Boise, Idaho.

Cooper served as Chair of PFAI, organizers of Murder in the Grove, the only ongoing annual conference for mystery writers and readers in the Northwest, from 2006-2008.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Robert Crais, Tami Hoag, Questionable Ethics by Angela Abderhalden, J. A. Jance, David Morrell, Joanne Pence, Fools Rush In by Sunny Frazier, Tilt A Whirl by Chris Grabenstein

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  • Sunny Frazier

    Heard you were working on a mystery. Care to spill?
  • T. L. Cooper

    As my friend Sunny pointed out I've been working on a mystery. Here's a brief summary of the book.

    Police suspect Marissa Sterling killed her husband and her young children in a fictional small Kentucky town south of Louisville. Marissa suffers a mental breakdown in which an entity “red” blocks her memories and keeps her silent. Rookie Detective Azalea Kavanaugh refuses to accept the case as “open and shut” and teams up with Bryce Thorne, a reporter, to find the truth. The investigation is complicated as the secrets Marissa has spent her life protecting are revealed and Detective Kavanaugh must face her own past when mysterious packages about her own parents’ deaths start showing up.

    If you know of a publisher who might be interested in taking a look, please let me know. Thanks!
  • T. L. Cooper

    Please check out my blog, writewithtlc.tlcooper.com, where I talk about writing about the issues we face in life as well as muse about life itself from time to time.