Margy Rydzynski


Arlington, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Writer, Entrepreneur, Detective Fiction Fan. My pen name is Margaret Daniels. I'm a self-published mystery fiction writer. I've also started working on a fantasy novel.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
I'll mention genres and styles rather than individual authors. There are too many to mention.

I love mysteries that transport me to a different time and place. This could include different historic periods or different countries today. I also appreciate humor. And, I love a well written medical mystery.

Without a second thought I'll throw out the authors Janet Evanovich, Walter Mosley, Kathy Reichs, Tony Hillerman, Patricia Cornwell, Kerry Greenwood, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dorothy Sayres and Wilkie Collins.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
I don't want TV that much anymore. However, I became glued to the set in the 1990s when I discovered PBS's Mystery! series. I was first introduced to the classic British mystery genre through this series. I absolutely fell in love with the writers, then moved on to American classics.

Comment Wall:

  • Kate the Book Buff

    Welcome!  I just wanted to introduce myself, and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People.  Check it out at

    It can be a bit overwhelming around here at first, so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
    -Kate the Book Buff
  • Pauline Rowson

    Delighted to connect here.  Thanks for the invite and all the best for 2011.
  • Copper Smith

    Thanks for the friendship and the kind words. Podcast-related questions to follow once I get things started...


  • Ronald S. Barrios

    I like doing it myself too. I want to be able to control what goes out and how. Nothing wrong with traditional publishing I just want to be able to do it my way. Plus I'm having fun. What more is there? Haha...

  • Nancy Lynn Jarvis

    Living vicariously is one of the advantages of creating characters. My protagonist, Regan McHenry now drives a green Prius because I wanted a care like that. Like her, I had a perfectly good car that I couldn't justify dumping just for the sake of change. Unlike her, I'm still driving my older car. She had to replace hers after she was forced off the road by a villain and had her car totaled.